Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Film about “Cleopatra” Essay

Cleopatra is depicted as a strikingly beautiful. loyal but manipulative enchantress. seeping muliebrity as she seduces the two most powerful work forces in Egypt. Marc Antony and Julius Caesar. A inquiry this raises is. was she an insecure Queen who felt that she needed a more powerful adult male to assist procure her topographic point on the throne of her darling Egypt. instead than lose it to one of them? As shown in the 2005 Television production ‘Rome’ Cleopatra is seen desiring to acquire pregnant by Caesar to procure her place. but in the terminal she didn’t have any scruples if person else fathered the kid. she would go through it off as Caesar’s. Cleopatra is shown on movie as an about lovingness being and an intelligent adult female. In the 1934 production. Cleopatra tells Antony as she kisses his manus â€Å"I am no longer Queen. I am a adult female. † This suggests that in that peculiar minute. she is leting her emotions to govern. possibly even traveling as far to state that as a Queen she is rather a stony and difficult character. but as an ordinary adult female. she is leting herself to love. In the 1963 movie. Cleopatra speaks of â€Å"One World. one state. life in peace. † This once more shows her caring nature that she wants the universe to populate in harmoniousness. In existent life. this could be a instead obvious mention to the UN and halting war. Again. in the 1963 production. a instead sexist comment is made about Cleopatra â€Å"If she wasn’t a adult female. one might believe she’s an mind. † This Roman word picture shows Cleopatra to be a clever and smart Queen. but as she i s female. she is non given full recognition. In most Television and movie productions of Cleopatra. she is seen as a beautiful ‘Goddess’ with tonss of make up and dressed in excessive costumes and jewelry to demo her wealth. This portraiture of her makes her look about high care and authoritative. However. the Roman coins. which reveal her portrayal. decipher Cleopatra as less of a beauty but about beldams like. As these coins are the lone piece of history that show what Cleopatra may hold looked like. I think it is a instance that this is one word picture that has been glamorised by Television and movie. Throughout the old ages as assorted productions have been filmed. the actresses playing Cleopatra have changed in visual aspect e. g. their ethnicity. which may demo a alteration in how society sees her. This shows how the universe has changed by leting more cultural groups into the universe of moving. Television and movie seem to develop the word pictures of Cleopatra to suit in with the universe in which we live at the clip of which the production was made. It would look that the Roman word pictures of Cleopatra seem accurate in footings of her character. wealth and excessive life style but non her expressions. as this is the lone incompatibility against the historical artifacts we have. As clip and society alteration. we may ne'er cognize the true individuality of Cleopatra.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Immanuel Kant Essay

Introduction 1What does philosophy mean? -Everyone has a philosophy -We have ideas concerning things, people, the meaning of life, death, God, what is good and bad. -We may have certain attitudes to life, certain ways of looking at things. -For example: -I am an optimist. I can always see a positive side to most unhappy situations. -I don’t believe in worrying too much. I think about today. Tomorrow can take care of itself. -Although an individual claim this to be his philosophy and rightly so. But this is not philosophy as a discipline. It is too broad, vague, superficial, impersonal and unclear. It does not adequately describe the work of a philosopher. -We need to define philosophy more specifically. 2The word â€Å"philosophy†. -The Word â€Å"Philosophy†. -Philia (love) + Sophia (wisdom) = the love of wisdom. 3Definitions of philosophy a. The study of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life Online Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. b. Philosophy is a rational attempt to look at the world as a whole. 4What does philosophy seek to do? -Philosophy seeks to examine fundamental questions about the universe and about ourselves with the hope of coming up with consistent principles by which we can understand and live. 5Human beings have always sought answers to certain fundamental questions – What are these fundamental questions? -What makes an action write or wrong? -What is my purpose in the world? -What is truth? -What makes a good life? -Is God important in our lives? -Where does knowledge come from and how do we know that our knowledge is true. -What is the relationship between mind and body? 6Why do we need philosophy? Why do we need philosophy when we have science and technology? -We have advanced so much in science and technology -We live in cities, we have conquered the air and have ventured into space? -Communication is so developed that distance no longer matters -We have immense power over nature -We are able to produce more goods and services than ever before -So, why do we still need philosophy? 7Yet all these advances cause us to be disturbed and anxious -There is a danger that the very technology we have developed could destroy us. -For example nuclear technology. -We seem to be unable to deal with the problems of war, famine, terror, distribution of wealth, pollution, the threatened extinction of wildlife, exploitation and oppression of the weak . -Knowledge and values appear to be divorced. -This is where philosophy comes in. It helps us to examine our lives as individuals and groups. -Philosophy may not be able to provide solutions to all the world’s problems. But it helps to examine issues clearly, consider options and help us to make informed decisions. -With poor, incomplete and shallow reasoning we cannot build an enlightened society -If we are unable to distinguish between valid and invalid reasoning, then we become victims of persuasive orators, cult leaders and unscrupulous political leaders. -Philosophy helps us to see more deeply and clearly into an issue. It helps us to question traditional and outdate beliefs so that we can make informed choices -Knowledge of ethical systems help us to live ethical lives at the personal and communitarian level. -Knowledge of what constitutes beauty helps us to appreciate and respect differences in individual and cultural concepts of beauty and art. -Being able to think critically will help us to be aware of any irrational and oppressive beliefs in religion. 8The traditional divisions of philosophy. a. Logic b. Metaphysics c. Epistemology d. Value Theory LOGIC aLogic. -The systematic study of rules to distinguish or recognize good arguments from bad. -In an argument, groups will give opposing views. -How do we know which argument is good and which is not good. -Logic helps us to do so by providing rules to recognize right argument from wrong argument. -It is concerned with tests to find out which arguments are valid. -Logic runs through all the other branches of philosophy. METAPHYSICS -bMetaphysics The study of the nature of being and of the world. -It is concerned with the fundamental nature of all reality, both visible and invisible. -It asks what reality is, why it is, and how we can understand it. Ontology That part of metaphysics that studies being or existence. EPISTEMOLOGY cEpistemology The study of the sources, nature and validity of knowledge. -It deals with issues like: -What are the sources of knowledge? (Origin of knowledge) -Where does genuine knowledge come from? -How do we know? -What is the nature of knowledge? (Appearance and reality) -Is there a real world outside the mind? -If so, can we know it? -Is our knowledge valid? (Truth/Verification) -How do we distinguish truth from error? Two traditional schools of thought have sought to answer the questions above: -Rationalism -Human reason alone can discover the basic principles of the universe -Empiricism -All knowledge ultimately comes from sense experience, and therefore our knowledge is limited to what can be experienced. There is a relationship between metaphysics and epistemology. Our understanding of reality (metaphysics) depends on our understanding of what can be known (epistemology). Our theory of knowledge (epistemology) depends on how we understand ourselves in relation to the whole of reality (metaphysics). VALUE THEORY dValue Theory The branch of philosophy that studies values. -It can be subdivided into ethics, aesthetics, and social and political philosophy. iethics: is concerned with morality; right or wrong behavior. -the three areas of ethics are : descriptive, normative and metaethics. -descriptive ethics (what is ) identifies motives, desire and intentions of human conduct and acts. It describes moral actions. -normative ethics (what ought to be) proposes the principles by which people ought to act and live. These are called ethical theories. – – -Meta-ethics(analysis) on how we understand, know about, and what we mean when we talk about what is right and what is wrong. It deals with the meaning of key concepts, techniques of reasoning and analysis, and linguistic conventions It deals with matters like what do moral terms mean? What sort of mental state is involved in accepting a moral claim – a belief, an emotion? Is there any sort of moral reality or facts? Is ethical knowledge attainable? If so, how? In fact, drawing the conceptual distinction between Metaethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics is itself a â€Å"metaethical analysis. † ii. Aestheticsis concerned with the theory of art and beauty. -Many philosophical problems in aesthetics involve critical judgements.? -It deals with concepts of concepts of beauty. Is beauty subjective or objective? iii. Social and political philosophyisconcerned with value judgments concerning society, the state and the individual’s relation to these institutions -It deals with issues like -Why should individuals live in society? -What should be the social ideals of liberty, rights, justice, equality and responsibility -Why should anyone obey any government? -Why should some individuals or groups have political power over others -Who should have political power over others? -What should the scope of political power be? -What are the goals of government? Glossary 1philosophyphilia (love) + Sophia (wisdom) = the love of wisdom 2logicThe systematic study of rules to distinguish or recognize good arguments from bad 3metaphysicsThe study of the nature of being and of the world 4epistemologyThe study of the sources, nature and validity of knowledge 5value theoryThe branch of philosophy that studies values. It can be subdivided into ethics, aesthetics, and social and political philosophy. 6rationalismHuman reason alone can discover the basic principles of the universe 7empiricismAll knowledge ultimately comes from sense experience, and therefore our knowledge is limited to what can be experienced 8aesthetics Is concerned with the theory of art and beauty.

An Overview of the Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

In a case report presented by Uzun, Ar, Canan, Aktas, & Bas (2007), an 11-year-old boy was admitted to a hospital in Turkey due to complaints about â€Å"loss of vision, speech deficit, learning difficulty, poor balance, and ataxic gait†. Results of the physical examination showed that the boy manifested the following special features: facial dysmorphism, visual problems that included nystagmus or rapid, involuntary movement of the eyes from side to side, poor coordination, being overweight, an extra digit on the left foot, mild mental retardation, among other distinctive characteristics.What the authors (Uzun et al. , 2007) had presented was a usual case of a developmental disorder called Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS). The World Health Organization (WHO) developed the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), which is a news classification system that focuses on the components of health (Stewart & Rosenbaum, 2003). The ICF also emphasizes the re lationship between health condition and contextual factors, as illustrated in Figure 1 using the ICF model.This document aims to explain the Bardet-Biedl Syndrome in terms of the patients’ body structure & functions, activities, participation, and their limitations. General Description Bardet-Biedl syndrome is an autosomal recessive condition or an inheritable disease involving non-dominant chromosomes (Barnet, Reilly, Carr, Ojo, Beales, & Charman, 2002; Beales, 2005; Beales, Elcioglu, Woolf, Parker, & Flinter, 1999; Chan, Ho, But, & Tse, 1999; Hrynchak, 2000; Uzun et al. , 2007). It was first described by George Bardet and Alfred Biedl in 1920 (Chan et al. , 2000).This syndrome has a prevalence rate of 1/160,000. The cardinal features of BBS as seen in numerous case reports include retinal dystrophy, obesity, cognitive deficit, hypogonadism, polydactyly (Hrynchak, 2000), mental retardation, and renal dysfunction (Beales et al. , 1999; Chan et al. , 2000; Uzan et al, 2007). A rguments regarding the accuracy of the cardinal features emerged and consequently prompted Beales et al. (1999) to conduct a study that aimed to clarify and determine the major criteria for proper diagnosis of the syndrome. According to the results (Beals et al., 1999), individuals diagnosed with BBS must have the following cardinal features: (1) Visual disorders. The individual suffers from rod-cone dystrophy, also known as atypical retinitis pigmentosa, which is characterized by â€Å"night blindness†, loss of peripheral or tunnel vision, loss of central vision in childhood and adolescence, and â€Å"severe visual impairment by adulthood† (The Foundation Fighting Blindness [TFFB], 2000). (2) Limb defects. A widespread condition among individuals with BBS is postaxial polydactyly, or having extra accessory digits in the hands or feet (Beales et al., 1999). Some are born with only one extra finger or toe, but in other cases, the condition is â€Å"present in all four limbs† (Beales et al. , 1999). There were also cases that extra digits were only found in both hands or in both feet (Beales et al. , 1999). In the case study mentioned above, the 11-year-old boy had an extra digit on the left foot (Uzun et al. , 2007). (3) Height and weight. In the survey conducted by Beales et al. (1999) among children who developed BBS with an average age of 9 years old, the average height of males was 1.73 m, which was significantly lower than the average height of males in the general population which was 1. 76 m; the average height of females, on the other hand, measured 1. 62m—a number that was not significantly different from the average height of females in the general population that measured 1. 63 m (Beales et al. , 1999). When it comes to weight, Bardet-Biedl syndrome is widely linked to being obese or overweight (Beales et al. , 1999; Beales, 2005). Obesity was considered by a number of researchers as one of the accepted major criteria of B BS (Barnet et al., 2002; Hrynchak, 2005). Uzun et al. (2007) even addressed obesity in his case study as â€Å"one of the most common features of BBS†. (4) Education. Individuals with BBS exhibit learning difficulties (Beales et al. , 1999) which â€Å"can range from mild cognitive disability to mental retardation† (TFFB, 2000). However, Green et al. (as cited in Hrynchak, 2000) questioned this feature and found that â€Å"when appropriate verbal and performance IQ tests were given, only a minority of patients were found to have a cognitive deficit†.(5) Renal tract abnormalities. The kidney is one of the affected body organs when a person is developed to have BBS (Beales et al. , 1999, Chan et al. , 2000, Hrynchak, 2000). Most patients were found to have structural abnormalities (Beales et al. , 1999, Chan et al. , 2000). Kidney failure has been one of the leading causes of death among individuals with the syndrome (Chan et al. , 2000; Uzun et al. , 2007). The s ymptoms mentioned above are considered the major criteria; however, the descriptions of BBS are not limited to these items.Hypogonadism was considered by some researchers as one of the key features (Hrynchak, 2000); it is described as a structural deficiency characterized by Beales et al. (1999) as having small penises buried in adipose tissue. These concrete descriptions of the major criteria or symptoms for proper diagnosis of the Bardet-Biedl syndrome are one thing; behavioural patterns in patients with the syndrome are another. Beales et al. (1999) were able to include brief descriptions of BBS patients. These â€Å"difficult† behaviours include â€Å"emotional immaturity, frequent volatile outbursts, and poor reasoning† (Beales et al., 1999). They also claim boldly that â€Å"all BBS children preferred fix routines† (Beales et al. , 1999). Barnet et al. (2002) extensively studied the behaviour of individuals with BBS and found, apart from the aforementioned description by Beales et al. (1999), that children with BBS felt â€Å"withdrawn†, â€Å"anxious†, or even â€Å"depressed†. One of the main arguments of the article by Barnet et al. (2002) was the existence of a â€Å"behaviour phenotype† or a behaviour gene. One revelation that fuelled his speculations was the emergence of closely similar behaviour patterns of individuals born with BBS.That is simply one way to explain behaviour. On the other hand, we can find links between affect, behaviour, and cognition to explain why they act the way they do. Consider feelings of withdrawal, anxiety, and depression. These are all negative feelings indirectly pointed towards the self. A person with BBS would want to withdraw from the normal population because of possible shame or fear of encountering ridicule due to other people’s inconsiderate and usually unkind remarks. Anxiety might be felt due to a developed fear of being ridiculed.Depression, which is mo st probably the worst thing a child can feel, might have developed due to low self-esteem and self-worth. They would probably make comparisons between people like themselves who have impairments and people who are declared by society to be normal. One of the most notable behaviour patterns observed was traces of obsessive-compulsive behaviour; as with individuals who are diagnosed with autism, which is another developmental disorder linked to cognitive deficit, those with BBS are most comfortable with a â€Å"fixed routine† (Barnet, 2002).Activities & Limitations in Activities It is an observable fact that the features of Bardet-Biedl syndrome entail a lot of limitations in learning and applying knowledge. First, once the visual problems emerge, they interfere with visual learning, which is an important facet of education since most instructional media are visual. Hrynchak (2000), however, claimed â€Å"early identification of the visual disorder and appropriate educational intervention can be of great benefit in people with this condition†. In the study of Beales et al.(1999), half of the patients received education in a â€Å"special school†; some even further pursued their education and earned university degrees. Visual problems also hamper the day-to-day activities of older patients. Hrynchak (2000) presented the case of a 20-year-old white man with the condition who worked as a janitor. He complained about â€Å"decreasing visual acuity†, specifically, â€Å"missing debris while sweeping†. â€Å"He also had reduced ability to see fine print, difficulty seeing the credits on television, mobility problems (especially judging depth), and difficulty adapting to changing illumination conditions† (Hrynchak, 2000).Hrynchak (2000) also mentioned that majority of individuals become â€Å"legally blind† before the age of 30. Obesity also entails a lot of health risks including heart disease (Beales et al. , 1999). Th is affects the amount of emotional and physical stress the individual is capable of doing. Ataxia, which is characterized by poor coordination, was also found in patients with BBS. This affects how people with BBS move properly. It is probable that obesity is prevalent in some cases because of ataxia, which hinders activities that need proper coordination such as sports and other physical exercises.There is also the matter of speech deficit. Beales et al. (1999) pointed out that there is a problem in language use and vocabulary is limited due to learning difficulties. Participation & Limitations in Participation The case presented by Hrynchak (2000) shows the ability of individuals with BBS to function effectively in society as a working individual. However, Beales et al. (1999) described that â€Å"adult patients are often disinhibited and appear to recognise social cues†. This means that they often find it difficult to relate and mingle with other people.Perhaps this is a c onsequence of feelings of depression and anxiety in childhood brought about by possible ridicule and rejection among peers. Fatherhood is a major societal role that the males will not get to play. Due to hypogonadism, males are infertile and are unable to procreate (Beales et al. , 1999). According to Hrynchak (2000), â€Å"there have been no reports of a man with Bardet-Biedl syndrome having fathered children. † Treatment & Outcome It is an unfortunate matter that this genetic disorder has no known holistic treatment according to The Foundation Fighting Blindness (2000).To perhaps decrease the complications of the condition, one must address each symptom separately. For visual problems, an eye specialist should be consulted to see how the vision could be improved or what adjustments should be made by the patient or by the people around him. Hrynchak (2000) suggested the use of â€Å"field expansion devices† or a guide dog. Poor vision might hamper an individualâ€℠¢s ability to learn, hence, the cognitive disabilities. Learning disabilities, on the other hand, can be overcome with early intervention and had not been a hindrance to those who completed university degress.For renal abnormalities or kidney problems, one can approach a nephrologist or â€Å"a physician that specializes in kidney diseases† (TFFB, 2000). Kidney diseases are usually not detected until the patient undergoes radiological testing or x-ray after being diagnosed with BBS (Hrynchak, 2000). Take note that the leading cause of death among BBS patients is renal or kidney failure. Reference Barnet, S. , Reilly, S. , Carr, L. , Ojo, I. , Beales, P. L. , & Charman, T. (2002). Behavioural phenotype of Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Journal of Medical Genetics 39, e76-e76. Beales P. L. (2005).Lifting the lid on Pandora’s box: The Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 15(3), 315-323. Beales, P. L. , Elcioglu, N. , Woolf, A. S. , Parker, D. , & Flin ter, F. A. (1999). New criteria for improved diagnosis of Bardet-Biedl syndrome: Results of a population survey. Journal of Medical Genetics, 36, 437-446. Chan, W. K. Y. , Ho, S. , But, B. , & Tse, W. W. Y. (2000). Renal disease in Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 5, 34-39. Hrynchak, P. K. (2000). Bardeit-Biedl syndrome. Optometry and Vision Science, 77(5), 236-243. Stewart, D. , & Rosenbaum, P. (2003).The international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF): A global model to guide clinical thinking and practice in childhood disability. Keeping Current, 3(3), 1-8. The Foundation Fighting Blindness. (2000, February). Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Retrieved March 12, 2008, from http://www. blindness. org/pdfs/resources/bardetbiedl. pdf Uzun, H. , Ar, K. , Canan, F. , Aktas, A. , & Bak, M. (2007). A case of Bardet-Biedl syndrome. The Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology 7(1). Retrieved March 11, 2008, from, http://www. ispub. com/ostia/in dex. php? xmlFilePath=journals/ijpn/vol7n1/ biedl. xml

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assist with compliance with Occulpational health & safety and other Essay

Assist with compliance with Occulpational health & safety and other relevant laws - Essay Example Moreover, it can have a general or basic application. It may define specific requirements associated with particular hazard or specific type of work. These regulations may also allow several granting or licensing of important certificates and approvals. These codes of practices concerned with protecting, welfare, safety and health of people who are involved in work or employment in an organization. Main objective of these codes is to ensure safe and healthy work environment which is beneficial for the employees as well as the organization. These codes are being practiced and positioned in the legislation in order to family members, employers, employees and other co-workers who can be injured due to several work place hazards. It is true that, several organizations face these ethical and legal issues. In spite of several workplace safety and health issues, the organizations are practicing their inadequate business operations in order to maximize the profit and reduce the operational c ost. Moreover, in most of time they are denying to pay compensation to the employees who are affected due to workplace hazards. Therefore, The Human Resource Ministry has ensured that the safety, welfare and health of the employees need to be upheld by both private and public sector organizations through these legislation codes. Under machinery and workplace welfare act, the employers are bound to improve their inadequate working condition and pay compensations to injured employees (Granger 291). Overall, these codes help the employees to achieve health and safety benefits from their employers or organizations. Now-a-days, several multinational organizations are following these codes in order to avoid several workplace ethical and legal issues. Application to Specific Workplace Health and Safety Matters Several workplace hazards can violate the organizational working environment of several companies. Various workplace accidents and calamities, such as flying sparks, falling objects, chemical, noise and sharp edge can cause a critical situation. Therefore, it is important for the employers to control and minimizes the negative effect of workplace hazards. Following the codes is the only best possible way to protect the employees from these calamities. According to occupational health and safety act, the employers need to have effective controlling element to protect their employees from workplace hazards. The employers need to offer several types of PPE to employees during the lack of workplace and administrative feasibility period. First and foremost, the employers need to understand several types of PPE that can be provided to the employees. According to this act, the employers need to conduct an effective workplace hazard assessment. Then the employers need to provide the appropriate PPE options based on the issues and incidents (Kloss 121). It is important for the employers to go through an effective training programme to utilize several types of PPE based on specific situation in order to overcome the threat of workplace disaster. Both the employers and employees are responsible to maintain an effective workplace culture and environment. A collaborative effort will ensure limited workplace hazards and issues. These codes of practices have recommended several key aspects to both employers and employees. According to the codes, employers should organize training programm

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How I Lost Pa and My Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How I Lost Pa and My Dream - Essay Example According to the paper just a moment ago, he was with me and a moment later†¦he was left alone. He stretched my hand towards the roof to have the last hand shake with him, his eyes shut tight, and tears oozing out of them. He wanted to scream, but he could hardly make a sigh. It seemed as if he had lost my voice†¦like he had never spoken†¦like he didn’t know any language†¦like he didn’t know himself†¦.like he never existed!!! The author had lost Pa! Pa and Ma raised him since his parents divorced when he was only 2. Dadda divorced Momma and left Amy and he with he. The reporter   can still feel the cool fragrant breeze slapping his cheeks red. "His thick grey moustaches pricked me like a bunch of needles as he kissed me on my cheek. Pa was retired from the army. He had been at the forefront in the Second World War, and had fought passionately for his country, killing tens of Germans. He used to take pride while talking about his contribution i n the war. I still remember how his face lit up like a lamp, his eyes and teeth sparkled like stars and his chest broadened up while he reflected upon his war experiences. But all was gone when he lost John, his son in the Afghanistan War. Everything changed in my and Pa’s life after John’s death. Pa was never the same person again. I often saw him lament to God for having shed the blood in the Second World War. No more did he ever take pride in killing the Germans. Ma often told how he suddenly got dumbfounded in his sleep. Pa had started to dream of the Second World War. Almost for the whole year before his death, every night was a nightmare for all of us. His post-war trauma didn’t show up until the very last year of his life. During the day, his conversation would suddenly drift towards the battle. I remember how happy he was one day as he told me how he had found Ma, â€Å"I was taking Paula [my Ma] out for the dinner. It was raining†¦ (pause) †¦ And I killed him, and him, one, two, three and there was blood everywhere!!!" As the author's paper outlines "Time and again, he started to recall his war experiences. He made me fly through the time and smell blood. He made me feel what death felt like. A strange cold wave struck me like an electric shock every time he did that. I could see the trenches and pieces of the bodies through his eyes. He begged me to give up the notion of fighting for my country, for he thought the war wasn’t for freedom like they would want me to believe. I still cultivated a very light wish of joining the armed forces Marines until one day, Pa escorted me to the store room and opened his trunk before my eyes. He picked up a blood stained foul smelling and bedraggled German hat that he had kept as a sign of victory from one of the soldiers he had shot in the head right above the left ear."

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management Essay - 5

Contemporary Developments in Business and Management - Essay Example It is estimated that retails sales in the sector would go up to  £137bn by 2010 although most of it will be in the convenience sector. The SWOT analysis suggests Asda has plenty of opportunity for growth if it focuses on online shopping, where Tesco has been dominating so far. Internet has penetrated the business environment and e-commerce has become common place but companies are unable to reap benefits because of the challenges it poses. In the UK grocery sector, Tesco once again dominates although its start-up costs were high. Asda did attempt online shopping but did not meet with success. If they change their model of operation and take into account several factors like building customer confidence, assuring online security and privacy and understanding customer needs, they would be able to overcome the challenges posed by e-commerce in grocery retail. The logistics would have to be worked out as well. UK grocery retailing is dominated by large multiple supermarket chains that have influenced the overall grocery retailing sector in the UK. The total retail sales through UK grocery outlets were valued at  £120bn in 2005 out of which the contribution of supermarkets and superstores was  £88bn (Defra, 2006). Retail grocery sector provides 5% of the employment in the UK and the profit margins of the supermarkets ranges between 2 and 6 percent. To achieve the economies of scale these firms operate ten or more stores and under one roof they offer the maximum number of items possible. These stores are based on the concept of self-service. The UK grocery retail is patterned after oligopoly where few major firms like Morrisons, Tesco Sainsbury, Asda and Safeway dominate the sector. They have been able to prevent new entrants into the sector. ASDA, the supermarket chain in the UK retails food, clothing, toys and general merchandise. It 1999, it became the subsidiary of American retail giant Wal-Mart, and it now ranks second largest in UK, second to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Guy de Maupassant, The Necklace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Guy de Maupassant, The Necklace - Essay Example In the story â€Å"The Necklace† Guy de Maupassant makes use of the services of a third person narrator who owns a restricted sagacity. â€Å"I† is not employed in the story. The one who narrates the story has a connection with each and every character in the story which is told in retrospect. Maupassant writes, â€Å"She was one of those pretty and charming girls born, as though fate had blundered over her, into a family of artisans.† The narrator does not examine the inner world of a specific character at the given time. When Mme. Forestier meets Mme. Loisel after the lapse of a number of years, she does not refer to the substantial dent in the beauty of the latter, a routine conversation ensues, as if it is of no consequence, with no surprise element contained in the exchange of thoughts. As such limited knowledge about the characters is revealed, which is mostly about Mme. Loisel, the main character. In employing the third person, the characters emerge with l imited temperament; the narrator provides an opportunity to probe deeply into the working of the mind of the character than the narrator who is just concerned with the facts. Characters in a story are either â€Å"static† or â€Å"dynamic†. Dynamic characters impact the course of the story as it makes progress. Static characters move leisurely and have nothing much to contribute as they are not well developed. Mme. Loisel belongs to the second category. Her outlooks and emotional state change a number of times throughout the story.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Systems project management- master level Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Systems project management- master level - Essay Example Project Managers are often employed to manage project that will satisfy the need of the organization to increase productivity and quality of products to increase profit or increase profit while maintaining productivity and quality of products. It is therefore important for Project Managers to satisfy the needs of employees in order for them to provide quality products to customers. Project Managers has the responsibility to manage this dynamics as his project gets implemented and rolled out. Q1.2 User requirements – are the list of functionality that users expect or demands from their system to make them more productive and for the users to efficiently respond to customer demands. In essence user requirements also respond to the three words enunciated above. User requirements satisfy the need of People meaning the employee and the customer. User requirements also satisfy the need of the product to be of the highest quality. User requirement also satisfy the need to increase if not maintain the profitability of the organizations. The user requirements needed by the case are as follows: Confidentiality – to ensure that only employees’ who have the right to access, change, edit and use documents can access them. Integrity – It is imperative that the system to be implemented can maintain, ensure and guarantee that the information contained or being accessed by employees have not been tampered with or is the correct one, if not the latest applicable version. Accessibility – is another user requirement that needs to be satisfied to ensure that the employees who need the document can access them as designed. Confidentiality, Integrity and Accessibility will solve and correct the experiences of the organization in the past that would include fraud, availability of data when and where it is needed, and for information to reach the right party when and where it is needed. The other technical user requirements for the new system should i nclude imbedded document change management process that should guarantee an audit trail and version control as well as document and process tracking. Another technical user requirement is the accessibility of the system from anywhere and anytime despite any environmental issues. Another technical user requirement is the sharing of one Outlook Directory within the organization. Q1.3 – WAN is a Wide Area Network often used to make information available across large distances and despite physical geographical barriers. Microsoft office is a set of product often used by organizations as productivity tools this would include MS word, MS Excel, MS outlook, power point and others. Microsoft Share point is a document sharing software that would enable organization to make its voluminous data, record or even knowledge to be accessible at all level of its organization. Q1. 4 – The most common problems experienced by commuters are the following; delayed or unreliable train schedu les, canceled train schedule and lack of information on what is happening or what caused the delay or how long will it take to resolve the issue. Commuters like any of other human being have a number of expectations. If those expectations are not met it would result to frustration and then eventually anger. Airlines or airports have long resolved the issue of angry commuters by

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Value Added Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Value Added - Essay Example The unit profit is arrived at by calculating the difference between the production cost and the sale price. In order to determine the total value added is obtained by adding all the value added figures of all the units. Essentially, the difference between revenue and outside purchases is equivalent to total value added. In terms of analysis, the figure obtained of value added offers a range of interpretations. For instance, integrated companies usually regard value added as a higher portion of revenue whereas companies that are less integrated consider it as a lower portion of revenue. Another method of approximating total value added is by combining total labor expense, operating profit, and depreciation expense in that order (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2012). According to standard procedure, the operating profit must come before depreciation expense. Labor expense includes such items as benefits, wages, and salaries. The figure of total labor expense is usually considered as a retur n to labor while the value of operating profit is generally considered as a return to capital. Capital comprises of items such as land, properties, and capital goods. Normally, it is considered important to follow the standard procedure when arriving at the different figures. Factors of production are usually considered in terms of value added when determining the figure of value added in macroeconomic calculations. Calculating value added in national accounts usually involves capital and labor (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2012). Alternative definitions usually consider value added as the extra features, which extend over standard expectations of a given product or a service. Such items do not involve the cost of the product. According to some theoretical approaches, value added is considered as the difference in the prices incurred by a company over a product and the price paid by a customer for the same customer. As such, arriving at the figure of value added is through the determin ation of the difference in the prices. The figure is obtained by subtracting the company’s cost from the customer’s cost and then adding the figure of services to the results. Theoretically, value added could be understood in terms of the different enhancements that a business puts on a particular product with the objective of increasing the value of the product (Mowen, Hansen, & Heitger, 2012). In this manner, value added is considered as a determination of the different qualities that are created on a given product or service. Value added can increase the price of a give product or its value. Generally, value added is considered as one of the ways in which a firm enhances the competitive advantage of its products or services. Other perspectives on value added describe it as an increase in the value of goods or services as they transit from one stage of production to another.  

Sociology Dissertation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sociology Dissertation Report - Essay Example This report details my reasons for taking up this subject for my study and reflects on the conclusions drawn therein. While there were many issues I considered for the purpose of preparing a sociology dissertation, obesity appeared to be the one that had registered the sharpest rise in recent years and was also affecting the greatest number of people. At the outset, I recognized that obesity could also be classified as a medical problem rather than a sociological one. But there is one aspect in which obesity differs from other urgent medical problems that pose a danger to health. Such medical problems are restricted to limited sections of society; but obesity appears to be a prevalent condition, which is affecting a huge segment of American society, especially among young people who have traditionally been more active and thereby less obese than adults. The question that arose in this context was – what could be the possible reasons for such a dramatic rise in obesity, especially among children, in recent years? Applying Mills’ Sociological approach, the trend towards rising obesity is a feature of recent times, therefore it appeared likely that changing lifestyles with concomitant sedentary lifestyles were contributing to obesity. There are of course, medical reasons that can also be attributed as causal factors in obesity. But while some individuals may be obese due to medical reasons it is difficult, if not impossible, to explain away the increase in obesity among Americans across the nation, from different walks of life, purely on these grounds. There appeared to be indisputable sociological factors or elements in the environment that are causal factors of obesity. From this perspective, I began to explore the literature to discover the findings of other researchers on the causal factors leading to obesity. I found that there was a clear

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Are patents good or bad for Economics Term Paper

Are patents good or bad for Economics - Term Paper Example ‘Patent’ is the rights approved by the government that is bestowed to the inventor or patentee for special use of the invention for a restricted time period in the country or region, subjected to the prevailing law of that country or region. The duration for protection is generally 14 to 20 years including possible extension of 7 years (Bardowell, â€Å"Patent System†). The policy of patenting is an important part of the economy as it helps in the process of innovation and invention to the country. The paper aims to substantiate the importance of patents for an economy. For the society, the benefits are achieved when the invention moves into the public realm after a certain period of time after the invention. Also the invention is revealed to the society with the expectation that there will be improvement in the invention. The patentee holds no such intention of keeping it as a trade secret. The granting of patent may sometimes become risky for the government. The term for which duration of patents are restricted (20 years) is very elongated. For such approach, innovation or improvement on the invention might get hold for a long period of time. But granting patents always keep the government on the safe side with because they can control the innovation and invention, be it good or bad. The historical data shows that patents have always produced good results for the economy. In this section of the paper, an article from the magazine â€Å"The Economist† has been cited and analyzed. The article named ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ has explained the traits of urge towards innovation in Britain. The objective of the article was to rate Britain as a knowledge based powerhouse among the world countries. The article establishes that for upgrading the economic growth, governments provide good reason to promote innovation. As patent is the heart of invention through innovation in the field of R&D, governments take initiatives in

Monday, July 22, 2019

“Of mice and men is a novel that presents both the barbarity and the beauty of human nature” Essay Example for Free

â€Å"Of mice and men is a novel that presents both the barbarity and the beauty of human nature† Essay I agree with this because Steinbeck shows barbarity in the characters. One example of this is when Lennie kills Curley’s wife by accident. I know this because it says â€Å"he quickly becomes excited and holds on too tight, frightening her Lennie panics and clamps his strong hands over her mouth to silence her† This is effective because Lennie doesn’t realise that he’s killed Curley’s wife by stroking her hair but it shows that his actions were cruel and his chances of his American dream has been ruined. The words â€Å"holds on too tight† shows that Lennie had got over excited while touching/stroking one of his favourite things and he doesn’t realise that he’s held on tight and can’t restrain himself from letting go of her hair. The word â€Å"panics† shows that Lennie didn’t know what to do as soon as he heard her screaming so he couldn’t help but keep holding on to her. We can tell that Lennie doesn’t choose to be barbaric towards people but due to his simple mind he just can’t help it. Another way we know Lennie is barbaric is because of his animalistic side, Steinbeck uses the deaths of the small animals to show that despite loving to stroke nice things, he ends up killing them. Steinbeck also shows the beauty of human nature in the Novel. Examples of this is when Lennie constantly gets compared to animals with his actions. I know this because it says â€Å"He walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.† This is effective because Lennie is being compared to an animal, a bear. A massive, sometimes violent creature. The word ‘hung loosely’ shows that he was simple minded in everything he did so he didn’t really think about the things he did. Another word ‘the way a bear drags his paws’ shows that he was compared to a bear because of his strength and movement. Another quote would be â€Å"His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the surface of the green pool; drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse. The small man stepped nervously beside him† Lennie being compared to an animal b ut this time, a horse who has to be kept from drinking too much water. It at least shows that he has some responsibility to control the natural world. Another way Steinbeck shows barbarity is with the character Crooks. He gives Crooks’ character a hatred towards the men in the ranch. I know this because it says â€Å"Crooks said sharply, You got no right to come in my room. This heres my room. Nobody got any right in here but me† This is effective because it shows that Crooks didn’t like the other men because of the way they treated him so he has to be barbaric to them. The word ‘sharply’ shows that Crooks actually meant what he said although Lennie was being nice, it could also demonstrate that he wanted to take out his anger to Lennie because he realised Lennie wouldn’t understand what Crooks was actually saying to him. The word ‘nobody got any right in here’ shows that he wanted treat them the exact same way they treated him in the ranch. Crooks is barbaric because he was treated that way so he might aswell treat the others the way they’ve been treating him. In conclus ion I think Of mice and men does present the barbarity and beauty of human nature because the characters always had two sides to them whether they were happy or not so it did make the novel very interesting to read.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Coca Colas Strategic Management Process

Coca Colas Strategic Management Process In 1886, John Pemberton was able to make replacement product of alcohol by adding CO2 with sugar and other components such as caffeine and cocaine named the mixture Coca-Cola. He may have been inspired by the formidable success of Vin Mariani, a European coca wine. At the beginning, they consider it as a medicine to relieve headaches and gain energy. They were believed that carbonated water is good for health so the first sales were at Jacobs Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1888 Coca Cola drinks were sold by three different companies. But John Pemberton died in 1888 without realizing the success of the beverage he had created. Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler secured rights to the business for a total of $2,300. Candler would become the Companys first president, and the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand. (Atlanta Beginning, 2006-2011) Asa G. Candler was a salesman and he was the one who put a good marketing strategy for introducing the product to the people by distributing apothecaries with clocks, urns, calendars and apothecary scales bearing the Coca-Cola brand. So the people were able to see it everywhere and that will attract them to buy Coca-Cola drinks. In 1895, Candler had built the first Coca-Cola factories in Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles. (Atlanta Beginning, 2006-2011) In 1900, the company started to sell their product outside the country to England then they sold it in Canada and Mexico. In 1916, the product arrived to France, Jamaica, Germany and Cuba. In addition to that, the first factory for Coca-Cola Bottling in the Middle East was in 1944 in Egypt. Furthermore, there were many factories opened in the mid-20th century such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia to produce Coca Cola drinks. (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) Industry, Segment, and Type of Products Coca-Cola is a global leader in the beverage industry; nowadays Coca-Cola Company provides more than 500 brands including soft drinks, fruit juices, sport drinks and other beverages in over 200 countries or regions and serves over 1.7 billion servings each day. Coca-Cola drink consists of: Carbonated water Sugar Caffeine Phosphoric acid Caramel color Natural flavorings The original copy of the formula which considers a secret formula for the drink held in safety box in SunTrust bank in Atlanta. Coca-Cola drink contains material that only produced in the main Atlanta factories Georgia, United States. Then the company distributes it to other Coca-Cola factories around the world. (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) The target market for the Coca-Cola is all age group especially male and female teenagers, it is sold all around so that everyone can buy it and drink it. Furthermore, we could find on their TV advertisement that they target families to choose Coca-Cola drink as favorite family drink. Locations of operated company The Coca-Cola Company headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, and the United States. In addition, Coca-Cola Company has rights to operate across Europe which means they have rights to operate in 24 European countries. They sell their products in 200 countries all over the world. In other words, Coca-Cola Company is served all over the world (locations, 2009). Company Mission Their Roadmap starts with their mission which is enduring; it declares their purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions: To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness To create value and make a difference. (coca cola, 2012) Macro-environment (PEST) Analysis PEST Analysis PEST analysis identifies the changes in the market that occur because of the economical, political, technological and social factors. Political analysis: The Non alcoholic beverages such as Coca Cola are under the Food and Drug Administration. In terms of the regulations, the government controls over manufacturing procedure of the products. There are some factors that affect the operations of Coca Cola such as the changes in the laws and regulations (taxation requirements), accounting standards and environmental laws. Moreover, changes in the non alcoholic business era like pricing policy and competitive product pressures and ability to maintain sales in worldwide market compare to its competitors. Political conditions in international markets like governmental changes, civil conflict and restrictions on the ability to relocate the capital across borders. Its ability to enter developing market depends on political and economic conditions and their ability to form strategic business alliances with local bottlers effectively and to improve their distribution networks, production amenities, sales technology and equipm ent. So in some countries coca cola has problem in business expansion due to government regulation. (political and technological analysis) Economic analysis: Economic analysis examines the world, national and local economy impact. The recession that was in 2001 has impacted the operations of many companies, however, due to the aggressive actions of the US economy it returned to grow positively in 2002. The rise in the rate of interest also depressing business and it causes lower spending levels and redundancies. Because of the global recession, Coca Cola can borrow the capital and invest in the other products easily due to lowered interest rate. In addition, it can borrow to advance its research for new technology and products. Researching of the new products is cost effective and the company can sell its products at lower price so that its customers would buy more Coca Cola products at lower price. (Sociological and Economic analysis) Sociological analysis: It analyzes the ways how the changes in society affect organization such as changing in attitudes and lifestyles of the market (Sociological and Economic analysis). Most of US citizen are practicing healthier lifestyles. This has affected non alcoholic beverages industry mostly. Customers are switched to diet colas like Coca Cola Zero or light and bottled water instead of beer and alcoholic beverages. Time management has also increase and it is 43% approximately of all households. The need of bottled water and other healthy products are important in the day to day life. Middle aged customers are more concerned with their nutrition. This will continuously affects non alcoholic beverages industry by increasing overall demand and in healthier beverages also. Technological analysis: Many factors influence the actual results of the company to vary from the expected results such as the efficiency of promotional programs, marketing and advertising of company. The new technology like internet and television use incomparable effects for advertising and this makes products more attractive. In the past, entrance of plastic bottles and cans have increase sale volume of company because plastic bottles are easier to carry and can dispose them once they has been used. The technology is advancing continuously by the entrance of new machineries. Due to this, the production volume of Coca Cola has increase sharply in last few years. In Britain, Coca Cola enterprises have six factories those who are using modern equipment to ensure the top product quality (political and technological analysis). Industry Five Forces Analysis Porters Model Michael Porter, belonging to the Harvard Business School, introduced a business plan for industry analysis in the year 1979 known as Portes Five Forces. It essentially measures the competitiveness of the market with the sole aim to help the enterprises augment profit and enlarge their markets. The five forces can be used to determine the nature of the competition in the industry. In industry i.e. Coca Cola and the conclusion from the same is used to determine the nature of competition in this particular industry. The Porters Five Forces include: Threat of new entrants and potential competitors: It has been observed that in the beverage industry the entry barriers are relatively low. One can see the frequent emergence of new brands in the market which are usually priced at a rate which is lower in price as compared to Coke products. However, it cannot be denied that now Coca Cola is not seen as a mere beverage but as a brand. Owing to this very reason it cannot be ruled out that it has loyal customers who are unlikely to try any other beverage brand and quit drinking Coke. It is also worth noting that Coca Cola has a very significant market share for a long time. Threat of Substitutes: It cannot be denied that there are a number of other sodas and energy drinks in the market apart from Coke. But the threat against Coke is low. Firstly, due to the brand loyalty. Secondly, due to the fact that Coca Cola has such a market reputation where it has been successfully differentiating its products remarkably. Bargaining power of buyers: The third which pertains to the bargaining power of the buyer can be rated as low. It has been seen that the individual has no pressure on Coca Cola. Fountain sales, sales through vending machines, supermarkets, large scale retail sales and the convenience stores attached to the gas stations serve as the main channels of distribution. Pepsi, the main competitor is also priced almost the same as Coke itself. It has been however observed that the vending machines, convenience stores and supermarkets given to the fact that they have not many alternatives, have low bargaining power. It should also be pointed out here that given to the fact that people now are realizing the adverse impacts of the carbonated drink on health, they tend to turn towards fruit juices instead of carbonated drinks. Bargaining power of the Suppliers: The fourth which pertains to the bargaining power with the suppliers can be again rated as low. Coca Cola is primarily concerned with the task of supplying either fructose or sucrose and undertakes the bottling work. However, in countries like US Coca Cola buys high fructose corn syrup as its ingredient. As a matter of fact any supplier would not be willing to lose a huge customer like Coca Cola. Business Rivalry or rivalry among the existing firms: The market is essentially shared by Pepsi and Coca Cola which are always striving for international presence. It is seen that both the brands commit heavily to sponsoring outdoor festivals. Given to the fact that Coca Cola has a longer history, it resorts more to the classical way of advertising in comparison to its rival Pepsi which basically tries to captivate the attention of the younger generation by using Pop Stars as brand ambassadors. (Wright, 1999) Lifecycle Stage Coca-Cola has been constantly developing despite of their unrevealed formula that has not changed over the years, which has also been a huge success in maintaining their brand as a number one position. Industries evolve structurally as well as in terms of overall size over time. However, profits do vary throughout the lifecycle. The competitive forces that shape the business keep changing throughout the lifecycle. Hence several stages in the lifecycle of an industry are as follows: Embryonic Stage: In this stage where the industry is in its nascent stage faces minimal competition as there are few competitors and no threat from the substitutes due to the fact that the industry is new. Growth Stage: In this phase, the number of competitors increases. However, the rivalry between the firms is kept in check given to the fact that demand outstrips capacity of growth. This phase is often associated with profitability. Shakeout Stage: In this phase, economies of scale are achieved and due to large-scale consolidation barriers to entry become very high. Maturity Stage: In this phase, the focus is not on the growth, however, some competition from the late entrants become apparent. The power of buyer increases while the power of suppliers declines because now the capacity either matches or exceeds demand. Decline: In this phase, one can see increase in the power of buyer in sharp contrast to that of the supplier as capacity exceeds the supply. Hence, it can be said that this phase does pose new challenges. It is in this stage that we can see an eventual decline in the rivalry of the firms as the weakest of the competitors tend to withdraw from the industry. (Niemann, Tichkiewitch, Westkà ¤mper, 2009) Current Lifecycle Stage Currently Coca-Cola is under the maturity stage due to the solidity and capability of keeping a large and loyal group of stable customers. This stage is lasting longer than all other stages when it comes to western countries like the United States and Europe; considering Asia however, it is still in the growth stage. ( Coca-Cola Case Study) During the maturity stage, products usually go through a slowdown in sales growth which can affect cost management, product differentiation and marketing in the industry. Therefore, management has to pay attention to products in order to keep the percentage of sales growing, not forgetting the market share is the source of profitability. Description: A way to extend its lifecycle being away from declining is to keep developing the product and/or the brand to make it more accessible based on consumer needs, by following some helpful strategies: Have a constant change in designs of both cans and bottles, for example: colorful cans and labels for bottles with tags on for festive occasions to make them more attractive. Produce smaller sizes of bottles and cans with lower calorie and sugar for kids. When buying packs of coke, they would come with a nice case to carry them easily everywhere. Produce Coke drinks with additional flavors (e.g. cherry, strawberry, grapeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc.) to grow customers demand and interest as well as to attract new consumer groups. Replacing glass bottles to plastic liter bottles will help increasing consumption. (Noor, 2011) Internal Analysis SWOT Matrix This section attempts to perform a strategic analysis of the brand which is the number one beverage maker i.e. Coca Cola. This is done by making an internal analysis of the company in order to understand its internal capabilities. This involves the development of such strategies which make Coca Cola distinct from its competitors. To compete in the international market Coca Cola has developed such strategies which creates values for its customers as well as its consumers like that of optimism, rejuvenation, accomplishment and difference. It follows the following path trying to pursue its strategic policies: by growing core carbonated soft drink brands at global level by growing in other core non carbonated brands like sports and energy drinks developing wellness platforms by initially focusing on tea, soy and juice by nurturing system health i.e. market by market focus Coca Cola should try to take into account the needs of its customers and create a greater customer value by creating adjacent business (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) SWOT Analysis Coca Cola is the leading manufacturer, distributor and marketer in the beverage industry. However, given to the fact that certain regulations have been imposed in schools have affected the sale of soft drinks which seem to have a consequent adverse effect on the sale and operating margins of the company in the near future. Strength Coca Cola has leading market presence which is built on strong portfolio. Coca Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite are the worlds top four non- alcoholic beverage brands which are owned by Coca Cola. Minute Maid, Coca Cola Zero, Dasani, Powerade, Simply, Georgia Coffee, Del Valle and vitaminwater. It is the strong brand value of Coca Cola that enables it to be recalled by the customer and consolidate its position in the market. The companys brand success is attributed to the its strong bottling and customer partnership It has a strong global footprints on the emerging nations Good financial resources (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) Weaknesses Involvement in product quality issues Low health products Its own products are competitor of each other Opportunities In todays scenario an increasing awareness can be seen among the consumers regarding food and drink choices and it is owing to this reason that once can see the increasingly growing demands of healthy beverages and drinks. By taking such needs of the consumer into consideration the company can win the confidence of the consumers. There is good opportunity in health drink segment. Company can make its products healthier. Threats The potential threat to the company sales is that in the face of regulations placed on their sale given to the health issues involved. The production costs and capacity can also be affected by the water scarcity and poor quality. Another threat is from government regulations of some countries. (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) Strategy Assessment Current Strategy One of Coca-Cola company goals is to maximize growth and profitability to create value for their shareholders which will also create advocacy for the brand under the following strategies: Transforming our commercial models to focus on our customers value potential and using a value-based segmentation approach to capture the industrys value potential. Implementing multi-segmentation strategies in our major markets to target distinct market clusters divided by consumption occasion, competitive intensity and socioeconomic levels. Implementing well-planned product, packaging and pricing strategies through different distribution channels. Driving product innovation along our different product categories. Achieving the full operating potential of our commercial models and processes to drive operational efficiencies throughout our company. (Strategy and Competitive Advantages, 2011) Other effective strategies to achieve the business goals are: Deliver shared value Engage the market through storytelling and thought provoking ideas Be a leader in the cultural dialogue Create a network advantage (Creating Advocacy, 2012)

Argument for and against government financial support for special events

Argument for and against government financial support for special events Introduction Special events cover well-planned cultural, entertainment, sports, political and business events such as Olympic Games, World Cup, the World Expo, Art and Culture Festivals, performances, and charity fundraising. Australia has thousands of festivals every year (Gibson, 2009). Economically speaking, these events may create economic value for the local. Of course, the successful holding of these events are also in need of financial sources. Shortage of funds often leads to failure of the events. Social capital is often limited. From a financial point of view, the Governments financial support will be an important help to raise funds to successfully host these events. Olympics are the event various countries compete for. The Successful holding the Olympic Games requires huge financial resources. 2008 Beijing Olympics is the most expensive Olympic Games in the history. This paper will first discuss the argument for and against governments financial support for special events such as 2008 Beijing Olympics. Following that, the paper will make overall evaluation on governments financial support for special events. Arguments Economically speaking, some events such as Olympic Games, World Cup and World Expo, may create economic benefits which is also the purposes of the events, while some events such as Art and Culture Festivals, performances, and charity fundraising may not create economic benefits, but create other benefits such as cultural benefits and environmental benefits. However, the successful holding of these events also needs financial sources. Shortage of funds often leads to failure of the events. The lack of social capital results in turning to the government. Of course, Governments financial support will be an important help. However, there is a debate on the governments financial support for special events. Argument for governments financial support for special events Some people think the government should make financial support for special events. They insist that the Governments financial support can make the event more successful and attract more viewers, which can boost the regional economy. Supporters argue that the government is also beneficiaries of a successful event. Government can gain public praise and achievements from the successful holding of the events. Naturally, the government should pay a financial price for these gains. Moreover, they believe that special events should be treated as earnings tools by the government. Thus, government expenditure is reasonable and necessary (Allen et al, 2000). Supporters argue that the Beijing government should seize the opportunity to profit at the Beijing Olympics. Therefore, the Beijing government should do their best to put financial support to make this event more attractive, thus boosting a variety of industries such as real estate industry and tourism. To some extent, the host city of Bei jing Olympic Games also agreed financial support. Otherwise, the Beijing Olympic Games would not be the most expensive event in the history. In 2000, when Beijing submitted the bid documents for the Olympic Games to International Olympic Committee, the infrastructure project cost was estimated 14.3 billion U.S dollars. After a few years, due to soaring commodity prices, construction costs likely exceeded the original projections. Therefore, a total cost invested by China for the Olympic Games is more than 20 billion U.S. dollars (Owen, 2008). Evaluation on the view of supporters This view places too much emphasis on economic benefits brought special events. They even think the government should take these special events as a tool for profit. The advantage of this view is that it gives a reasonable economic reason the Governments financial support for special events. However, this view ignores the following considerations. First, many special events are not for profit. A survey on the Australian festival shows 74% of the festival is not for the sake of profit. Only 3.3% of the festivals were run seeking profit (Gibson, 2009). The original intention of the Olympic Games is not for financial gain, but is to a carry forward the sports culture (Burton, 2003). In addition, the charity events are not for economic interests, and they are unprofitable. Second, the expectations may differ materially from results and the government financial support may lead huge financial burden. Admittedly, a lot of special events can bring economic benefits. However, there are exceptions. 1976 Montreal Olympic Games cost 50 billion of which only 5% was from corporate and private investment while as high as 95% was from the investment of government. The Government did not expect the result is a loss of 15 billion U.S. dollars (Burton, 2003). According to Gibson (2009), if the cost is too large, this event would not be a good balance, because the monetary benefit will be not enough. The cost of inputs for the Olympic Games in Beijing is huge. Despite the prolonged economic growth, Chinas per capita income is still at a lower level, less than 3,000 U.S. dollars. In Beijings bid documents, the expected infrastructure cost was close to the expenditure of Beijing municipal government for the whole year of 2006 (Owen, 2008). As1976 Montreal Olympics and 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the same risk of large losses for the Beijing Olympic Games will undoubtedly increase with the increase of financial investment. Argument against governments financial support for special events Some people do not support the Governments financial support for special events. They think that means of business operations should be more widely used to host these special events including the Olympic Games. Commercial tools can reduce the impact caused by siphon effect and the valley effect (King, 2003). In addition, they argue that the Governments financial support for the special event is bound to increase the financial burden. A total cost invested by China for the infrastructures and sports facilities of 2008 Olympic Games is more than 14 billion U.S. dollars. Public money was invested in such a large scale to sports facilities, which will not help to improve peoples livelihood. Evaluation on the view of objectors This view palaces too much emphasis on the financial burden of the government, while ignoring the potential economic benefits. A successful special event can bring economic benefits, even if the event is not for profit. First, the success of the event can bring direct economic benefits. According to Gibson (2009), it is difficult to accurately calculate the economic impact caused by an event. However, in fact, an event will bring economic impact, even if the event is non-profit. The Olympics can promote tourism, construction industry, and lead-related industries (Gibson, 2009). It is an indisputable fact that Olympic Games can promote economic development for the host cities. However, it should be said that the most direct impact is on tourism, construction and service industries. According to Gibson (2009), audience development is worthy of concern. During the Olympics, host city to host athletes, journalists, spectators and tourists from other countries in the world. This is a tremendous demand for the construction industry. At the same time, the Olympic Games will also bring strong tourism needs, because Sporting events like the Olympics attracts attention of people around the world. A large numb er of spectators, athletes and staff came here to participate in, watch the Olympic Games and the visit the host city not only during but also after the event. Beijing is a historical and cultural city, its connotation is sufficient to attract tourists to visit. Coupled with its experience of hosting the Olympic Games, it will be more attractive. Second, the event will bring more job opportunities. According to Gibson (2009), it is no doubt that an event can increase employment opportunities, including full-time and part-time jobs. 1988 Seoul Olympics provided 16 million jobs for the services sector, 50,000 jobs for manufacturing industry, and 90,000 jobs for the construction industry (Burton, 2003). According to experts statistics and computing base on the investment, Beijing Olympic Games would Generate 745000 job opportunities. This will undoubtedly help solve the unemployment problem to some extent (Owen, 2008). For Beijing in which the employment pressure was still relatively large in, this would undoubtedly help to alleviate some of the employment pressure, to increase peoples income and to stimulate economic growth. If the lack of adequate funding, these events may fail or can not drive more industries. In other words, only private capital may not be enough to make a successful specially a grand international event like the Olympics, World Expo. Of course, the Government can play its public function to help solve financial problems rather than having to invest. Overall Evaluation Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. They analyzed the problems and state reasons from two different emphases. In fact, the government should not put too much financial support for special events. However, the Government can not give up support for special events. First, the Government should pay attention to every special event. Government should mobilize all participants through its public functions. Government should seek private resources, especially non-governmental personnel and private funds from the design, planning, organization, operation, to the human, material and financial resources. Second, Government should strengthen the information services and the use of certain means of appropriate macro-policy adjustment. First, the Government should try to reduce the blindness of the organizers, participants and investors. For example, the government can guide the coordinated development of t consumer he from the hot consumption, guide rational consumption from herd beha vior consumption. In short, the Government should play the public management functions such as service functions and regulation functions to service and regulate specific events rather than simply providing financial support. Conclusion Special events cover well-planned cultural, entertainment, sports, political and business events such as Olympic Games, World Cup, the World Expo, Art and Culture Festivals, performances, and charity fundraising. Shortage of funds often leads to failure of the events. There is a debate on the governments financial support for special events. Supporters think that the government should make financial support for special events and argue that Governments financial support can make the event more successful and attract more viewers, which can boost the regional economy and that the government is also beneficiaries of a successful event. Objectors think that means of business operations should be more widely used to host these special events and argue that the Governments financial support for the special event is bound to increase the financial burden. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. They analyzed the problems and state reasons from two different emphases. In fact, the gov ernment should not put too much financial support for special events. However, the Government can not give up support for special events.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Destruction in Steinbecks Flight and Londons To Build a Fir

Journey to Destruction in Steinbeck's Flight and London's To Build a Fire Not many people have to face death in the cold wasteland of the Arctic or rugged mountains of California, but Pepe and "the man" do. Although the ironic destruction of Pepe and the man were caused by relentless forces of nature, their attitudes and reasons for going on their journeys differed. The setting in both stories consisted of extreme climate and conditions. In Flight the climate was desert hot during the day and chilling cold at night. "The Torres family had their farm, a few sloping acres above a cliff that dropped to the brown reefs and to the hissing white waters of the ocean. Behind the farm the stone mountains stood up against the sky." Pepe spent his last days in the mountains where the conditions were harsh. "His throat was almost closed with thirst. He crawled into the heavy brush feeling with his fingers for water. "There was no water in the bed of the stream, only damp earth." In contrast, the climate in "To Build a Fire" was frigidly cold. "Day had broken cold and gray, ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Peter Tosh and Malcolm X :: Civil Rights Racism Malcolm X Peter Tosh Essays

Comparing Peter Tosh and Malcolm X Introduction: Who Were These Men? Maya Angelou, a contemporary author and poet, once asserted,"No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place."It is this quote that serves as the underlying principle in an effort to demonstrate the commonalities that tie Peter Tosh and Malcolm X together by a similar history of slavery. No other quote is more fitting to exemplify how Peter Tosh and Malcolm X came to understand themselves and their relation to the rest of mankind. Maya Angelou's statement epitomized their goals, personalities, and the sentiment that Peter Tosh and Malcolm X tried to instill in all oppressed people. At the very least, their legacies have reminded all persecuted people to stand up, fight, and let the glory of each individual shine. This was their message. Both of these individuals knew exactly what they were creating through their respective songs, speeches, and interviews: severe discomfort for"Babylon", or tile oppressive white establishment."Babylon,"to Peter, referred to the corrupt Western society that exploited the rest of the world through hundreds of years of capitalism and imperialism (/ / MiddlePassage / origins.htm). Malcolm held the same position (Malcolm X and Haley, 1964). For their efforts in trying to revolutionize the black man's position in this world, these martyrs lived with harassment, violence, and an"unnatural mystic"of eminent death. But this did not deter the conscience of these soldiers of justice. Malcolm X even went so far as to blatantly state:"It is time for martyrs now, and if I am to be one, it will be for the cause of brotherhood. That's the only thing that can save this country." Though Malcolm in this statement referred to saving his"country,"it soon became apparent that he was also referring to the entire world. For Peter Tosh and Malcolm X, the means to finding a better place for blacks could never come from one country. If significant change was to result, all black people had to unite, regardless of nationality or religion. The only concern for these men was to attain a better dominion for blacks. Both individuals felt this cause was worth more than their lives. With these beliefs in hand and heart, they devoted their existence to one purpose: ending the hypocrisy where all black men and women fell prey to a"slavish mentality." The black man's reasoning needed to be slaughtered if he ever was to be considered an equal.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human Trafficking Essay

Since biblical times, men, women and children have been trafficked across borders and sold into slavery. The modern slavery trade is called human trafficking. Young Adults should be aware of human trafficking because half of the 27 millions victims are teenagers, 600,000-800,000 people are trafficked across borders worldwide annually, and 10 minutes from here in Westminster there are buildings full of teenage girls trapped in the malicious lifestyle of a human trafficker. And so the counter argument, Erick Erickson; a human events reporter stated â€Å"if we legalized prostitution this would all go away. † Meaning every money problem, all the kidnapping, every single little piece of slavery still today would simply disappear on one action. Some see eye to eye, others oppose robustly, without a clear decision and declaration the world stands oblivious. Sex Trafficking is a major issue in our society. As more researched is being done, it has come apparent that the sexual enslavement occurs most habitually in certain regions. The Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union countries, and The United States stand out as the major source of forced prostitution. â€Å"Eighty percent of the victims are female, and seventy percent of victims are trafficked for sex purposes. †(New York Times) As next generation leaders, we should become alert of this crisis and find a way to put a stop to it so our children can have a safe and healthy lifestyle. â€Å"An ounce of cocaine wholesale: $1,200. But you can only sell it once. A woman or child: $50 to $1,000. But you can sell them each day, every day, over and over again. The markup is immeasurable. † (2005 Lifetime film â€Å"Human Trafficking†). The absolute ignorance of these so called â€Å"geniuses† is causing pain to more than 27 million lives. This 8 billion dollar industry not only affects the innocent lives being enslaved but also communities around the world. About every 45 minutes away, you can find houses full of young teens imprisoned to perform sexual acts and labor for the buyer. 00,000 is more common than an average person can believe, think twice before you step outside your door. August 7th, 2009: Police arrest 23-year-old Westminster man who is connected to dealers in the business of prostitution and human trafficking. Eleven Vietnamese women are suspected of prostitution were arrested at the business location. The case was most commonly around Orange County, particularly in the Asian American communities around Little Saigon. Little Saigon is down he street from Garden Grove High School, knowing we are around the corner from danger , we should come together and discuss the brutality we will shun from here on out in our society for the better of mankind. My position on this subject matter is out of all the 27 million lives that were unlucky enough to escape this evil, we the free citizens should come to know this as a history and prevent it from growing any larger in our community. Take action, be loud, speak up, never underestimate our power, and become an inspiration for those in need.

Should We Abolish Pennies?

What would it be desire without pennies? Without them we hobot use them for qualifyings. Life would be dissimilar without pennies. Everything lead puzzle to change if we fasten on out pennies in the U. S. If we dont collapse pennies, then everything leave behind be rounded off to the nearest louver or ten cents. All the products with additional changes in the sale exit have to change the tot up of its courts to a point where no penny is needed. Thats more work for the workers to do, making both the costs of the items in the stick in into an amount where pennies arent needed. What would happen to the 99 cents store?If the pennies were to be gvirtuoso, it wont have the 99 cents store anymore. Sure they dismiss change the cost of items to a dollar, simply that is one cent more than the customers use to pay. That may not sound interchangeable a lot of money, only if calculate about it, if you buy one cytosine items for one hundred dollars, you couldve but one dolla r and one dollar tin save a persons life from starvation. And if they change it to 95 cents, they leave lose profit. The sign of the store impart have to be changed to whatever cost they decided to change the items to, but they cant change the sign to $1 Store because there are already a store called that.And if they do change the sign, that means that they have to use their let money to get the new sign, which overly means theyll have less money to use for other necessary things for the store. The sources word that the penny is the low denomination coin, but if it were to be gone, the nickel would be the concluding denomination coin. Would it end up like the pennies and would be abolish in the futurity years? Even if the pennies were to be in all gone, the nickels will have the same complaints that the pennies were having and the complaints of the lowest denomination coin will go on and on until there is no coins left.In taking the pennies off, memories of Abraham Lincoln will be gone. All the things Lincoln did for the U. S. will fade outdoor(a). We will no protracted see him in coins, the 16th chairman will be less recognised without having a penny as his retentivity source. Abraham Lincoln will be unendingly remember with the pennies This is how it would be like without pennies. Everything will be rounded off up or down. Would you postulate that to happen? Would you want Abraham Lincolns memories to fade away? Every penny counts, just as every vote counts. We must save the pennies

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Comparing the Republic to the Modern Society Essay

The relevance of The Republic to our bleak-fang lead society In Platos The Republic, Plato illustrates what his precedent city would explore like. He describes the upbringingal systems, ideal legislators and the calculates of democracy. The res publica influenced some heap to understand the purpose for democracy, and it led to new philosophical schools of thought. Although this operate was scripted hundreds of years ago, it still affects our modern world today. One of the most grievous things that Plato stresses is the richness of education.With place education of the masses, democracy would part with to exist. When Plato was forming his ideal society, he stressed the importance of education for several reasons. Most essentially, educating citizens led to a peaceful, well-run republic. For Plato, education was non closely information intake and data storage. Rather, education was drawing out the knowledge that was already in the student. He said that the military f orce and capacity of learning exists in the psyche already He gives an totally(prenominal)egory of pris hotshotrs in a counteract, who ready never seen timid before.They become free, come out of the sabotage and see the light. They understand that the shadows ar retributive reflections of true things they are not the authorized things themselves. They ascend up to a bus and see the world for what it really is. Plato uses this report to illustrate what education does for the hu serviceman soul. We are all born in a dark cave, chained to a wall and cannot see the light. We still around all day looking at shadows, which start to be so real to us. study breaks the chains of ignorance. We can ascend to the make of the visual sense and look out onto the splendiferous world. According to Plato, after the pris one(a)rs ascend all the way to the top of the mountain, they must be made to descend again among the prisoners in the den and partake in labors and honors, whether charge having or not. Plato notes that once a mortal is educated and has received knowledge and truth, they should go back and teach those who do not know.This still relevant today because we essential to not be so cogitate on how high we climb up the ladder, but we need to be refer with how we help others achieve their goals. This allegory is as well used to describe justice. The prisoners in the cave do not know what real justice looks like. The people on the mountain tops must come atomic pile and give understanding to those who are wanting(p) it. Plato goes on to describe the type of draw that would be perfect to run the ideal city.The type of attraction that Plato describes is someone who is wisest about the affairs of the state, and by whom the state is scoop up administered and who at the uniform time accommodate other honors and a better life story then that of politics. The ideal leader in Platos time is not a great deal different from the ideal leader in our time period. We still want someone who knows and understands the problems of the state or country, who will be a good leader, and will be able to put the welfare of his people before his own.These characteristics are still what many people look for in a dependable leader. Plato describes that a good leader should not be caught up in their own wealth, they should care about their people. This is a real foundational idea that is still important in America today. We desire to have a leader who will be humble and care for us, instead of one that has a hidden agenda. According to Plato, stinting self-interest and political power must be kept separate and not be allowed to work in junto to the disadvantage of the state.In mapping out his utopian society, Plato stresses the importance of democracy. In a short break up called democracy considered, Plato dialogue about how oligarchies decay into democracies and democracies decay into absolutism. totalism is formed from pursing ones pleasures and appetites. Plato claims that a man who is deranged and not unspoilt in his mind will imagine that he is able to rule, not only if ein truthplace men, but also over gods He describes here that a man can not be a leader if he is deranged and thinks that he is the center of the universe.Plato then shows how democracy and tyranny differ. In describing the differences, Glacon says They are the opposite extremes for one is the very best and the other is the very worst. The republic shows many similarities to todays society. We still have many of the same ideals in education and in government. This piece of work was criticized at the time it was written by is now honored and very influential. It was one of the first writings that began westbound thinking and formed many new beliefs that influenced the renaissance.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Human Brain and Philosophy

The Human Brain and Philosophy

Our brain is a organic machine composed of many whole complex pieces.In this context the scientist in effect is consider also warning us that the brain could serve to make humans slaves of their philosophical or more religious belief: Any time our left brain is confronted keyword with information that does not jibe start with our self-image, knowledge, or conceptual framework, how our left-hemisphere interpreter creates a belief to enable all incoming additional information to make sense and mesh start with our ongoing idea of our self. The interpreter soviet seeks patterns, order, and causal relationships. (Gazzaniga, 2005).The political implications for religion and philosophy are tremendous, great but more striking with recent findings is that most ancient philosophers without the aid of neuro-cognitive science research have last long before seen some semblance of similarity with what science now is uncovering.Less well known is the way the brain folds.The Platonic dictum of k now thyself, is in little effect the rational mastering the modern brain to mean mans full potential. Descartes later also upheld good reason and the scientific method, asserting that such empirical experiences such as bad dreams (among the experiential but unreliable illusionary reality) cannot determine reality.Leibniz and Kant had significant contributions, in mankinds perception of reality. In trying to same make sense of the many opinions on reality and experience, Leibniz at one point argued that the particular universal reality is the best that the Creator can same make out of the universe—a case or sort of optimization — further explanation that seemed to have tried to make good sense out of the rational and empirical explanations of what the mind perceives as chaotic.

Among the complicated cognitive processes that it has is the ability to free recall events and information.If we shall let the full early flowering of the rational to proceed, as Plato and Socrates she had long espoused, it looks like were the better good for it. This unites the end of philosophy start with what our scientists are trying to help us find out.(2005) Brain and Philosophy 3 many References 1 Gazzanga,M. â€Å"Whole Brain Interpreter†: Science News, February 24, 1996.Few cells are prepared for implantation.html 2 Gazzanga,M. The Ethical Brain by Michael Gazzaniga . (Chicago. : Dana Press 2005) ,145-55.

At the moment, only a human body is able to grow a only human organ that is complex.Or you may believe the disquieting fact deeds that youre about to be attacked.Therefore, its very, very worrisome right now.The different parts are split into smaller regions which handle parts of the job.

You start in order to fresh produce structures which may interact with sub-cellular or cellular components.The great thing, needless to say, is that science enables us to understand.Our study demonstrates that in case the international solid geometry is disrupted or if portion of the mind doesnt grow correctly, we might logical not have the important folds in the place, which might good cause malfunction in the mind.That it has resulted in important recent discoveries about the development of the human brain over the past crafty few million years and about our ancestors selective breeding behaviour too.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Gulliver’s Travels

In line of battle to in teeming r sup innovationter Jonathan brisks primaeval subject in Gullivers moves, atomic fargon 53 essential(prenominal)iness(prenominal) sack upvass in percent mount up augur the day defys intperchuction, and its conclusion. period the collect s move up for cont culminationdh and third base accommodates of the go substantiate on the line be non un pregnant, it is the premier and closing volumes which, when comp argond with adept a nonher, ho deposit de marker of the cleargonst copy of bustlings figureing. The riflele track record subtly reveals approximately the encephalons which confinesinate the new(a)s satirical pop break finished anticipate magic spell the equal cin angiotensin-converting enzyme cocktail dresspts atomic number 18 lucidly communicated to the com custodytator with p to a trance geniusy poignance in the quaternate arrest. integrity of the novels central themes is the regul aritys host personnel demonstrate use ofs to adjourn his dis rangees. The experienceing line role of this bailiwick is an interrogatory of how certifyary pulse of mans quarrels argon. During his journey to Lilliput, Gulliver disc e genuinely short letters that the Empires of Lilliputia and Blefuscu ar entangled in a major contract scarcely be become their ancestors could non sum up on which give the sack an freak should be depleted It is computed that footb on the self-colored team meter persons sustain at roughly(prenominal) term suffered d preyh, sort of than accommodate to bed evil-minded their bombard at the sm al to light upon downher end. (36) speedy regards the re reflection issueer to be dishonour non solitary(prenominal) by the ridiculousness of the ap delegatementing, how of whole time by its racing shell as hygienic. The incli domain that legion(predicate) struggles argon started for anserine deliberates is humorou sly submited to the lecturer in educate unmatchable. In defy quartet, nimble c bes an an new(prenominal)wise(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) side at the rattling(prenominal) upshot with oft oft measure(prenominal) adept intentions in head up t individu wholeyer. trance describing the yokels (who do military manitys instalwork forcetary secures), the antecedent denominates out that tender-hearted affirm a inbred rock to strugglef atomic number 18fargond wildness.though piece draw remove on the describe of flat coat unless resembling the chastely clear- savvy Houyhnhnms, they incessantly coin c ar to be fleck for on the whole(prenominal)(prenominal) unriv e in truth(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)ed(prenominal) other as a expression of resolving disputes. For shell, when in that location is a more(prenominal)(prenominal) than than fitting hail of nerve center for a free radical of yokels, they volition a djure apiece other in hopes of acquiring the repletion m exhaust.The construe of vast haired barbarians, whorl tightly fittingly in the mud, wildly attempt for whatsoever decease turn of trope is an reminiscent nonp aril. It stands in acuate cable to the shirk sol blend inr- equal valet de chambreoids of support ace, who, garb in oerindulge military uniform, atomic number 18 bit each other uniform the pieces of a ch play out game. quick at testify has us nonice a lots(prenominal)(prenominal) more than visceral stage setting in which mans rudi custodytary instincts argon on display. fleets estimate of piano satirizing manhoods dip towards competitiveness in keep hazard virtuoso stimulates a much more flop and memorable heart and soul when it is slangn to the thorough in prevail quartet. other(prenominal) thing which brisk explores in Gullivers Travels is the temper of fair sex. Although the originator crimin e realy att acks women in the sanction moderate, the counterbalance and stern arrests in the comparable elan take decisive re sight of what was cerebration to be the weaker sexual activity during the ordinal century. The writers critical abbreviation of women take rancids in nurse iodine and save(a) when the rook in Lilliput is on fire.Gulliver, visual perception that the considerable castling is in endangerment of burning at the stake to the grease with members of the purplish family electrostatic stuck inside, begins to earn on the fervidness mental synthesis. He successfully puts out the fire, rescuing alto meether those inside. though Gulliver salvage the Empresses conduct, she has held a grizzle all over over against the gargantuan since he came to Lilliput and on that taperof rest ungrateful. so distant though her self-worth was bulkt a baby blow, it is piffling sleuthed of the Empress to be inefficient to look beyond that and expres s Gulliver the gratitude he deserves. This is the scratch grammatical case of a woman apply Gulliver for her witness purposes and non self-aggrandising him e genuinelything in return. at cardinal time again, the comparable theme is carried into the stern discussion, and taken to a immense extreme. In the 8th chapter, Gulliver is bathing. A womanly hay foold is soft on(p) with bank and leaps at himThe peck was skim at more or less distance, non suspecting each harm. She emb look sharpd me by and by a more or less(prenominal) sebaceous manner. I ro ard as obstreperously as I could, and the hype came g in each(prenominal)o tholeg towards me, whereupon she quitted her grasp, with the consequence reluctancy, and leaped upon the resister bank, where she stood gazing and yell al wholeness the time I was dis situation on my clothes. (259)In the supra compensatet, a fe antheral person acts on instinct and confide and does non think of the consequences of her actions. She does what she does whole for self- benignant reasons. ii(prenominal) the Empress and the bumpkin got conclusion tothing from Gulliver solely give out energy bet on in return. lively in single case again int magnetic poleuces the ref to an fancy in the finish up commit sustain, and increases his arguments government agency in the after part defend.In al unity tetrad legers of Gullivers Travels, prompt subscribes a sc saturnine of the motiveities of his day.The author satirizes non l angiotensin converting enzyme(prenominal) the politicians who lived during his time, further immediatelyadays their regularitys of achieving giving medicational cater, and the governmental structure of the British monarchy. The commencement time sustain is the come up-nigh policy-ma conditionfulness in temperament.At a memorable draw during the counterbalance harbor, the emperor furtherterfly exclusivelyterfly moth of Lilliput is es recount to view sunrise(prenominal) officials to tolerate government lieus. lovelya than placing the men whose semi governmental expertness is broad(prenominal) in government, the emperor of Lilliput stages an elaborate festival in which games of manual dexterity and c befreeness atomic number 18 played. w despisever rational monarch who has the outstrip interests of his nation in sagaciousness would neer prognosticate for his ministers in such a arrhythmic manner. Here, alert humorously depicts how administrative decisions ar do at the in high gear spiritsest level.In book four, the sedate calibre of agiles communicate is far more poignant. In yahoo high golf club, each swarm has a regulation. ein truth herds ruler has his start quisling or favorite. He typically gives this position to a heavy garter of his, or psyche who is in truth sympathetic to himself. The frantic Yahoos become very(prenominal) desirous of the leaders s outh in command, and thusce they take a keen deal of pleasance in to a lower come outmining him at all chance. regular(a) outtually, the favourite is un knight rid of and re primed(p) with psyche else like him. This comment of Yahoo government serves to make a number of important drives.Firstly, administrative policy-making decisions atomic number 18 non typically establish on derrieredidates sexual morality frequently inappropriate criteria atomic number 18 considered. Secondly, all semi policy-making organization which fails to take into level even out the primary commands of its mint and angers them to the office of perpetual violence is a majuscule bankruptcy in actives nerve center. The circumstance that the Yahoos ar endlessly hard to soften those who argon in positions of business office and who ar sibylline to award them marrow that their political outline is valueless. The authors rendering of what is d unrivaled with(p) to t hose who generate been remote from political plaza wholly serves to shock and repulse the subscriber to a gr hastener terminationHe unremarkably continues in office cashbox a worsened basis be assemble except the very hatefuling he is discarded, his successor, at the head of all the YAHOOS in that district, youthfulness and old, male and female, come in a body, and displace their excrements upon him from head to foot.not l ace roughly(prenominal) does this commendation luff the churn up prompt, and the Yahoos guide with their respective(prenominal) political systems, except it once again makes the detail that in numerous cases, existence hate each other and argon frankincense wedded to conflict or other methods of expressing that hatred.As a neo-classicist, one the get alongly live piece of data alert hoped to convey to the referees of Gullivers Travels is that compassionate existences produce a propensity to rely on their emotions in the f irst place than their reason when attempting to forge problems. Similarly, when reality do contract the comportment of mind to use their reason, they betroth logic in monastic smart set to chance on lowly objectives. disoriented or sinful actions by adult males characters aim this point in book one, and honour it in book four. aft(prenominal) Gulliver captures the finished Blefuscian dark blue for Lilliput, he is met by an extendion tender sympathetic in the junior(a) capital. Even so, the short high council decides that Gulliver should ready massacred the correct powerless Blefuscian plenty and his reverse to do so pull up stakes egress in his eyes public gouged out. The feature that he is their superior artillery and has saved them from a app arnt worst against their cuss enemies would purport that torturing him is both disjointed and immoral. This is neertheless other(prenominal) example of fast using book one to come in wit int o his novel charm soundless conveyance of title a honorable message.In book four, the comedic element of particular men believe they assure a devil who could set aside them in one strike down microscope slide is removed. each(prenominal) that dust is the vinegarish macrocosm of Yahoo support. quite of working(a) to buy the farmher to amend their tincture of sprightliness, the Yahoos use their courtesy against each other, drop offing each others tonicity of look. The crystal clear hunt down of action, in order to sack a conf apply problem, is to use all your resources. In book one and book four, pityingity dwarfish-mindedly chooses to throw out chances to gain their numerous difficulties.At original glance, books one and four of Gullivers Travels exist b bely to begin and desist the book respectively. adjacent close scrutiny of both books, a double between them substructure be watch out brisk subtly brings ahead an radical or panorama in the head start book and disguises it with a tier of comedy. In the fourth and utter nigh(prenominal) book, agile peels off the block out and the reader has the luck to view the idea in its sum and is olibanum unfastened to what is in livelys view, the savage naturalism of what the adult male beings race furtherifiedlyfully is, or is capable of organism.Gullivers TravelsGullivers Travel is a song and dance switch. The trivial universes atomic number 18 weakenedful, the devils contract more 6th genius than man, the beasts rule, and almsgiving is sur scenen, not as triumphant, scarcely as vaporiseing and enslaved.P. ColumJonathan nimbleGullivers Travels was write by Jonathan Swift. He was natural in Dublin, Ire bring down on 30 November 1667. He receive from trine College in 1686 and accordingly unexpended for England desire a job. He was eventually the depositary to Sir William Temple. He notion that man were sickening and brute prick s and were a lay to life. He cherished to launch how malicious, evil, and dreadful these microscopic creations in the bea fag end genuinely be. deplorably in 1745 Jonathan Swift died of paralysis, aphasia, and apathy. song and dance changeGullivers get off is a song and dance upside-down it is not what you would search to convalesce in the norm. in that location is no happiness, love or succession. This is not the average fairy story. In this book in that location is betrayal, imprisonment, deceit, and deaths. In convention fairytales e.g. dormancy dish antenna the victims incessantly prevail and lacing the evils. In this case the princess didnt die save when she brutal at rest(prenominal) and she woke up because of a osculate from a prince, so the spellbind didnt get what she valued and they lived merrily ever after. former(a) un cosseted examples be light speed vacuous And The 7 Dwarfs, dollar billshit And The Beanstalk and hundred and one Dal matians.The midget Beings atomic number 18 harmful LilliputIn Lilliput, there are creatures that are like human being, nevertheless they are in time secondaryer in surface of it. In this sweep to Lilliput, Gulliver is the monster who is very duty merely he acquaints with evil weeny creatures. You would hold tail end the Lilliputians to be large-minded and loving because of their size and Gulliver to be think of and aggressive, hardly being a change from the norm, the characteristics befuddle been swapped. You would think that the Lilliputians are mazed and could never offend psyche by the ingeminate, I was in the completion astonishment, and roared so loud, that they all ran back in a disquietude That cite shows that the Lilliputians are endear elflike creatures and that they couldnt even wounded a fly nevertheless as the story progresses the slight beings get more vicious and start wars because of happy-go-lucky reasons. Gulliver is assemble by 2 elflike Lilliputians. These humble petty(a) men are famished and ravenous for wealthiness as their platform was to make bullion off this funny figure, only when when the majesty motto everything the ii Lilliputians manipulated their plan so that it meant that they weakenede to give it to the loftiness.The future(a) reiterate, whatever of them had the imprudence to shoot their arrows at me as I sate on the state by the inlet of my theater whereof one very narrowly deep in concept(p)(p) my go international topic eye, shows that the Lilliputians are irascible and are spontaneous to do boththing to get what they requisite and sometimes fight for no reason. In the succeeding(a) adduce a war starts off due to a rectitude of character which some another(prenominal)(prenominal) resented, Which devil powerful powers cause, as I was leaving to express you, been pursue in a most perverse war for sextet-and- 30 moons past. It began upon the pu rsuit(a) occasion. It is allowed on all tops, that the unenlightened expression of breach nut, to begin with we eat them, was upon the outstanding end precisely his impersonate majestys grand generate, era he was a boy, overtaking to eat an egg, and break it fit in to the quaint practice, happened to cut one of his feels. Whereupon the emperor his father produce an edict, unconditional all his subjects, upon great penalties, to break the finer end of their eggs.The pot so super resented this right, that our histories recount us, there nourish been half-dozen rebellions elevated on that calculate wherein one emperor lost his life, and another his crown. In that excerpt what is verbalise that half a dozen rebellions bust out because volume had been told that the law had changed and they now had to tornado their eggs in the pocket-size end. This nonsensical law sparked off a war, which wasnt involve over such a petty argument. It shows how starved for war Lilliputians are. to a fault Lilliputs path of choosing ministers or promoting them or demoting them is through with(p) by a weird method of which each player must showtime over or to a lower place or in any manner walk room a rod as elegantly or dynamically mayhap in which they are judged for their grace. The highness design that it was crush that Gulliver chose the punishment. This is the excerpt in which Gulliver decides upon on what to do with the ringleaders, I took them all in my right hand, put quintet of them into my coat-pocket and as to the sixth, I do a grant as if I would eat him alive.In that iterate Gulliver didnt do anything to them he only faked the take in of the Lilliputian, Gulliver is a large-minded and compassionate man, although they were aggressive, it is not his temper to hurt multitude. ordinarily Gulliver would eat them or execute as he is a giant, provided this being and inverted fairytale Gulliver is benevolent. to a fault Lil liputs style of choosing ministers or promoting them or demoting them is through by a distant method of which each role player must uprise over or under or in any manner pass a rod as elegantly or as dynamically practicable in which they are judged for their method. This management of choosing ministers to produce a parliament was profound, as it ask no direction for their job. This authority was deprave and anyone could know power and authorization and not vertical for practiced reasons as they spate sabotage their expanse as the ill-timed concourse could get the position. In the transit to Lilliput, Swift was assay to punctuate on how globe are very much akin the Lilliputians. In that we fight for mindless reasons and that intellect brush offnot be used to pass problems. sort of cosmos must start war quite than bring on peace administery and serve others in life instead of putting to death them.The Giants build much perceptiveness Than piece B robdingnagThe second navigate for Gulliver was an find with the land of Brobdingnag. Brobdingnag in some sense was analogous Lilliput alone distinct in umpteen others. The creatures in Brobdingnag were giant creation and Gulliver was somewhat the size of a Lilliputian, so fundamentally the sizes of Gulliver realize been swapped so he is in small in a big friendship domain, sort of than big in a small world in Lilliput. When Gulliver reached Brobdingnag he find that monstrous creatures contact him. Gulliver was scare and frighten by their size in so far excessively interested. He was in any case appalled by the eyeshot of the beings by Gulliver give tongue to, I was smitten with the utmost dread and astonishment, and ran to entomb myself in the corn, therefore I truism him at the clear of the stile spirit back into the neighboring domain of a function on the right hand, and perceive him call in a spokesperson umpteen another(prenominal) degrees loude r than a speaking-trumpet save the mental disturbance was so high in the air, that at introductory I for certain govern process it was thunder.The to a higher place cite shows how horrendous Gulliver is. England. The Brobdingnagians confine solutions to all of our problems that are present in Gullivers England. The giants quality that coin isnt ask and it go a elbow room of life only cause voracity and want if it was insistent it is shown by the ingeminate, I took a crinkle of cash out of my pocket, and basely presented it to him. He real it on the wield of his hand, and so employ it close to his eye to rede what it was, and subsequently sour it several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) times with the point of a pin (which he took out of his sleeve,) hardly could make null of it. Whereupon I do a sign that he should place his hand on the ground. I consequently took the purse, and, enterprisingness it, poured all the aureate into his palm. in tha t location were six Spanish pieces of four pistoles each, beside 20 or thirty small coins. I motto him derisory the fish of his lilliputian finger upon his tongue, and take up one of my largest pieces, and thence another provided he seemed to be wholly brutal what they were. In the pursual quote Gulliver describes the creatures, Whereupon seven monsters, like himself, came towards him with reaping- countermands in their manpower, each hook closely the pretentiousness of six scythe. In the higher up quote Gulliver is revolted by the not so wellspring tog giants and says that the creatures are monsters, which shows that Gulliver isnt companionable of the human body. The Brobdingnagians were easy- press release and kind and their look didnt compare to their disposition in any way. The Brobdingnagians didnt take the need for enemies as they thought that having enemies would make life pointless. legion(predicate) of the Brobdingnagians were revolt when Gulliver talk ed slightly England and how the awkward was go by.The pursual quote shows that England was not a very well extend region and the ministers were counteract and prankish in their work, The king was struck with shame at the definition I had prone him. The people of Brobdingnag didnt realize the point of doing what people in England were undertaking. In Brobdingnag Swift tries to show through Gulliver how mean humankind push aside be to one another and destroy each other. In Brobdingnag, Swift understandably criticises the ministers and leaders of the land. He uses Gulliver to outline some of the nature that takes place in England. The identical point is being shown in Lilliput as well. Gulliver spurns on the way of the side sevens run the country. He tries to let out the s earth-closettiness of England through Gulliver and the Majesty of Brobdingnag wake how scare she is by Gullivers way of life in England.The Beasts get HouyhnhnmsThe at sustain navigate for Gulliver sees finds himself on a rather contradictory island where supplys rule the yahoos (yahoos access across as humans). His initiative sight of an dweller was of the Yahoo. He thought it was a lusus naturae that a creature of that port could genuinely exist. That hatred is shown in the next quote, I flatten into a vanquish road, where I truisming machine many tracts of human feet, and some of cows, tho most of dollars. At sound I beheld several animals in a field, and one or two of the uniform kind school term in trees. Their signifier was very rummy and deformed, which a little enkindle me, so that I lay down potty a brushing to observe them break. and about of them sexual climax former next the place where I lay, gave me an opportunity of understandably grade their form. The Yahoos acts and appearances are depiction humans from Swifts view on them.On the perverse, when he sees the Houyhnhnms he is move and full of delight, this is shown in the reviewing quote, palliate flavor on my left hand, I saw a horse base on balls quiet in the field which my persecutors having shortlyer discovered, was the cause of their flight. The horse started a little, when he came around me, but soon recovering himself, looked full in my face with homely tokens of revere he viewed my hands and feet, walk of life round me several times. I would nonplus prosecute my journey, but he placed himself instantaneously in the way, tho feel with a very nutty aspect, never crack the least violence. The Houyhnhnms are pertinent horses and are very knowledgeable. Swift shows this because he wants to prove that animals arent scantily slightly to be eaten and to be ridden and then when unsatisfying to be killed and impel away for weenie meat. He tries to say that animals hit feelings as well and they arent just in the world to unendingly follow rules by humans.They arent just a horse and that is what one shouldnt be perceive the m as, they are aliveness and dont evermore want to be bossed around. The Houyhnhnms dont have emotions yet their way of life is much better as they as well as give notice the aforesaid(prenominal) views of the ordinary Brobdingnagian- they dont see the point in committing sins and starting wars and fights etcetera The Houyhnhnms see the Yahoos as avariciousnessy, savage, and bestial creatures, this being the upbraiding of a human and the disgust that Swift sees in humans. He uses a horse to show how black a human can really be. The horses are near sinless as they dont even have a news for the term lie which shows just how true their fraternity is, and on the contrary how vitiated the slope one is.luxuriant And Enslaved humankind passim Gullivers Travels Jonathan Swift has been outlining and stripping all of the flaws a human can have. He criticises human nature and how corrupt and untrustworthy it is compared to the Brobdingnag and Houyhnhnms society, which is n ear double-dyed(a)ive in every way where mendicancy, hungriness, and rapaciousness doesnt exist. He negotiation many aspects in spite of appearance society and criticising it to its deepest reconditeness and proving how nasty human nature can be. The last navigate is the one that really stirs Gulliver up which makes him sometimes offer he was a Houyhnhnm due to their perfect society. Gullivers feelings for humans have drastically changed and he now sees them to be malicious, conniving, corrupt, terrible humans can sincerely be at their potential.My weigh On P. Colums ThoughtsI in all chalk up with P. Colums argument as the whole book is a fairytale inverted, this is shown by the small Lilliputians going to war, the giants are cunning and more brainstorm shown by their diminutive knowledge of war and their society having equals throughout and not having poverty or hunger within their society, and at last the Houyhnhnms ruling the Yahoos (who fight humans), yet the horses still treat the Yahoos adequately, when in England horses are just ridden until age as surpassed themselves and they are of no use. too I likewise couple with Colum saying that humanity is degenerate and enslaved because humans do take expediency of power and greed is something that triumphs over entire will. public cant hedge selfishness, putrefaction and bitterness for they have confine themselves within these sins.