Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assessing patient with cardiocascular accident usingRopLogand Tierey Essay

Assessing patient with cardiocascular accident usingRopLogand Tierey - Essay Example A stroke is when blood flow to a part of brain blocks either by a rupture or a blockage of a blood vessel. Model of Roper, Logan, and Tierney" is recommended as the suitable model for use in intensive care settings (Robb, 1997; Sutcliffe, 1994). Molloy (Pg 176 1996) supports the use of this model in a neonatal situation. Tierney (1998) suggest that this model allows nursing to work directly with medicine, rather than separately which gives the nurse a chance to acquire knowledge of medicine in a manner which is simpler (Roper, Logan & Tierney 2001). The model measures the individual's potential and comparative independence for development. The rationale for choosing this model was based on its integration of nursing care with medication. The model provides a good chance to address my patient conditions where the cost of treatment as per this model is provided by the state. He is suffering from communication, breathing and personal cleansing which most stroke survivor’s experie nce. Diagnosis is an essential process during nursing activities since it assist to set goals of either remedying the situation or sustaining. The cases scenario brought challenge of communication issue, personal cleansing and breathing (Roper, Logan & Tierney 2001). ... Overview Objectives are imperative in that they provide direction in what health care needs to do, and present a principle by which to evaluate whether the objective has been attained (Mason-Whitehead 2008). It provides the anticipation that the patient may recover and illustrates something is being implemented to attain this with the client’s comprehension and participation in the procedure that considers patient’s values and desires during the process (Institute of Medicine 2003). The goal of this assessment is to incorporate Roper, Logan and Tierney Nursing Model, intervention process of the situation and confidentiality requirements of the patient. The goal of stroke treatment is to regain as much independence as possible; Recovery from stroke is a lifetime procedure. For my patient healing begins with formal treatment. It is vital for the nurse and patient family to recognize that no matter where they are in his recovery journey, there is always hope. Partnership a nd coordination is vital for the patient to learn as much as he can about stroke and healing, and utilize the funds those are available with collaboration and advice from the former employee which he was working early before the accident of stroke. Health insurance cover should subsidize his expenses on treatment (Lincoln 2012). This model of nursing ensures that patients are well taken care of even after discharge and gives the nurse in charge, to gain knowledge, learn practical experience and medicine point of view. According to the procedures of (NMC 2008), investigations were done after explanation on all the procedures he would subject to, the common causes of the accident such as hypertension, older age and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between Mental Illness and Crime

Relationship Between Mental Illness and Crime The Circle of Crime Broadsheets and tabloids along with other forms of media continue to sensationalise the association between mental illness and crime with 46% of press coverage dedicated to crime, harm to others and self-harm which is concerning (Hudson, 2013). However, this can be detrimental to the psychological wellbeing of individuals who suffer from mental illness leading to victimisation and recidivism due to ineffective management of offenders with mental illness. This essay will critically discuss the current thinking in relation to the link between mental illness and crime. In particular, the transition of childhood abuse or violence to a crime being committed as a result of mental health problems. This essay will also attempt to demonstrate the impact incarceration which continues a pattern of offending due to unresolved mental health issues and the never ending cycle persists. Vinkers, Beurs, Barendregt, Rinne and Hoek (2011) investigated the relationship between mental illness and different types of crime. The study included 21,424 pre-trial forensic reports from the Netherland between 2000 and 2006. The crime which was found to have the strongest relationship with mental illness was arson which was then followed by assaults, homicide attempts and then threats. The crime which was found to have the weakest relationship (with diminished or absent accountability) with mental illness was sexual and property crimes. If there is a clear relationship between a mental illness and a crime which has been committed then accountability is considered to be diminished in Dutch courts (Vinkers et al., 2011). There are five degrees of responsibility in relation to crime the first being complete responsibility which is when a crime is committed by a person who is fully in their right mind, there is an absence of mental disorder or if the disorder is unrelated to the comm itted crime. This is then followed by slightly diminished, diminished, severely diminished and total absence of responsibility. To be absolved from guilt completely a severe mental disorder (usually of a psychotic nature) is necessary. An important strength of the research conducted by Vinkers et al. (2011) is that they directly studied the relationship between mental disorders and different types of crime. It is essential to understand why a relationship exits and not only that there is a relationship. When a person has an underlying mental health disorder and they commit a crime this does not necessarily mean the mental disorder caused them to commit the crime. For example if an individual who is addicted to drugs shoplifts this may be attributed to poverty and not related to them having a mental illness such as schizophrenia. Having established a link between mental illness and crime this essay will now consider the relationship between childhood violence or abuse and mental illness. Nikulina, Widom and Czaja (2011) investigated the effect that childhood neglect and childhood poverty (family and neighbourhood) had on the likelihood of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), academic achievement and crime in young adulthood. The results suggest that both childhood neglect and childhood family poverty predicted PTSD and arrest as an adult. The study also found that children who suffered from neglect and were poor were more likely to be delinquent and participate in criminal behaviour than children who were not poor and were not neglected. It was also suggested by Nikulina et al. (2011) that children who grow up in a poorer household (or neighbourhood) have a predisposition to trauma which makes them more likely have difficulties in later life. They concluded that n eglect and poverty were positively correlated with long term criminal, academic and mental health outcomes. The findings from Nikulina et al. (2011) indicate that adverse conditions and unstable living environments (including poverty) increase the chance that a person will develop PTSD symptoms. A persons surroundings are important in determining their risk for mental health and psychosocial outcomes. In addition to this Grisso (2007) suggest an association between youth delinquency and mental illness. In this study youths aged 9 and 10, 11 and 13 were interviewed and tested at three points in time. During at least one of these assessment points approximately one third of the youths met the criteria for one or more mental illnesses and the same amount of the total sample were arrested when they reached young adulthood. The results suggest that having a mental illness in adolescence is likely to have played a role in the subsequent offending as an adult. It is also suggested that suf fering from a mental illness between the ages of 9 and 16 poses a much greater risk of offending as a young adult. Effective community based intervention during adolescence is recommended by Grisso (2007) to reduce delinquency. A major problem which faces law enforcement is the high number of individuals with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system (Cuellar, McReynolds Wasserman, 2006). This creates complications both socially and politically. One way of combating this issue would be to use a specialised program such as mental health courts, which are relatively new. There are approximately 200 mental health courts in the United States with D’Emic (2014) becoming the first mental health court judge in New York State in March 2002. Mental health courts are an alternative to incarceration courts. The aim of these courts is to improve the psychiatric stability of offenders and also to improve public safety by connecting offenders with mental health treatment. Cuellar et al. (2006) suggest that for certain types of individuals, it is more appropriate to use problem-solving methods rather than punishment. They do this by working with other mental health agencies, families and housing providers to name a few. The aim of these courts is to support offenders who are suffering with a mental illness to live a constructive life which is free of crime in the community (D’Emic, 2014). One of the first cases to be brought to this court was a young man in his early 20s who had been arrested for two street robberies (D’Emic, 2014). While in jail he began to act bizarrely and he was subsequently taken to hospital to be observed. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The agreement was that if he engaged with treatment the indictment against him would be dismissed. He succeeded and went on to obtain a master’s degree and remained in therapy and continued to take medication which was prescribed for his mental illness. The treatment which was overseen by the mental health court ensured the continued safety of the public by effectively managing this young man’s mental health. If the only option for this young man was to be handed a prison sentence this could have resulted in him being released into the community with a serious, untreated mental illness. The aim of using this method is to reduce recidivism and also reduce the severity of crimes committed by offenders who suffer from mental illness which in turn would reduce the societal cost of crime (Cuellar et al., 2006). The concern for policymakers in the reduction of crime is to place more emphasis on rehabilitation and treatment of offenders with mental illnesses as opposed to prosecution and harsher punishment. Offenders with mental illness would find it more beneficial to engage with more appropriate and less expensive supervised care in the community than being embroiled in the criminal justice system (DeQuendre, 2002). If appropriate services were provided to sufferers of mental illness then they would not end up being arrested, in jail or facing charges in court (Cuellar et al., 2006). A finding from Cuellar et al (2006) is that more than half of youths who had a mental illness wer e re-arrested. Over a one year period it was reported that there were 63 fewer arrests per 100 youths who had voluntarily enrolled on the diversion programme. This is an opportunity for youths to avoid the formal court intervention and engage with appropriate developmental and treatment needs. Female prisoners have been identified as particularly vulnerable by MacDonald (2013) and more likely to suffer from higher levels of emotional distress than male prisoners. MacDonald (2013) examined 6 countries which were part of the EU DAPHNE Strong project. The purpose of this project was to increase the knowledge and understanding of professionals who work with women in prison who had been subject to childhood, intimate partner or other forms of physical and or sexual violence. The findings of the DAPHNE project were that 70-80% of the female prison population in Scotland had mental health problems, 50% of the prisoners had a history of sexual abuse and at least 50% of the women were presently in an abusive relationship (MacDonald, 2013). The findings were similar in England and Wales with 50% experiencing domestic violence. In Finland it is suggested that approximately three out of four female prisoners have been a victim of physical, psychological or sexual violence. Germany als o reports a victim violence rate of 70%. It was found in Scotland and Finland that women who had a history of violence and abuse were not routinely identified. Effective screening of mental health problems and also other health concerns is fundamental to the services which can be provided. It is imperative that gender-specific guidelines are set for managing female prisoners as they often have more complex health problems than male prisoners (World Health Organisation, 2009). The areas which require particular attention are mental illness, substance abuse issues, reproductive health and physical and sexual abuse. It has been reported that the mental health care which is currently provided is inadequate. This is due to lack of funding and also a lack of trained staff. The overuse of medication is also highlighted. A major concern in prisons is amount of prisoners who suffer from mental illnesses such as psychosis (3.7% of males and 4% of females), major depression (10% males and 12% females) and antisocial personality disorder (45%) as this increase the likelihood of suicide (MacDonald, 2013). It is suggested that the treatment of mental illnesses including self-harm should be managed in the community where they originated. The problems which women face require specific treatment plans which are currently not provided by The Prison Service and unlikely to be without the appropriate resources being dedicated. The United Kingdom appears to be efficient in providing information. In women’s prisons in Scotland, England and Wales there are posters, brochures and leaflets however this method of delivery can be problematic for prisoners who have writing and reading difficulties. The need for a range of services to be provided to prisoners is advocated by Prison staff. These include a named member of staff who has responsibility for violence and abuse who prisoners can be referred to, informing the prisoners of the chaplaincy service and encouraging the prisoner s to use informal and therapeutic approaches to deal with their issues such as writing down their feelings or using art therapy. An important mechanism in supporting prisoners is to empower them to believe they can overcome their difficulties and live a happier healthier life. MacDonald (2013) infers that the criminal justice system appear unwilling to provide alternatives to custodial sentences. Cuts in public spending have further implicated the capacity for the prison service to offer any staff training. The availability of services is widely inconsistent within countries and also within the EU (MacDonald, 2013). Visher and Bakken (2014) examined the mental health status of women who were leaving prison and how their mental health shaped their re-entry outcomes. Problems that the women face over a year after leaving included poorer health, difficulty securing a home, trouble gaining employment and more involvement in criminal behaviour. Women who enter prison are more likely to report excessive history of physical sexual and emotional abuse which puts them at high risk of mental illness (Visher Bakken, 2014). There is also a strong link between childhood abuse and mental illness, in particular depression, PTSD, panic and eating disorders. Women inmates are reported to have higher rates of mental illness (73%) than males (55%). A large study was carried out looking at 357 women from six states that were released from prison. Of these women 44% reported a diagnosis of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, PTSD and schizophrenia (Visher Bakken, 2014). Out of these women over half of them felt that they still required treatment for their mental illness a quarter of them believed that they need â€Å"a lot† of treatment. An important finding was that the need for this treatment pre-ceded the imprisonment. Women who suffer from mental illness are likely to face problems at every stage of the criminal justice process from the moment they are arrested, to being imprisoned and then finally when they are released and subsequently reintegrated back into the community. Reports indicate that history of women’s lives play a role in their criminal involvement such as personal abuse, mental illness and substance abuse, homelessness, poverty and also being involved in troubled relationships. Due to these difficulties women often find it difficult to re-establish their lives when they leave prison. The difficulties they have are getting a job, finding a place to live, earning enough money to support them, and also building relationships with t heir family which may have been broken due to being in prison. To avoid recidivism it is essential that women with mental health problems are provided with treatment during and after imprisonment. However prisons due not have the resources to provide this treatment and only those in the most secure facilities receive any support. Visher and Bakken (2014) conducted a longitudinal study called Returning Home; Understanding the Challenges of Prisoner Re-entry which examined the lives of prisoners before, during and a year after leaving prison. A simple effective method that could be employed is a checklist for problems which might require follow up care or management. If any mental health issues are identified then women should be referred on to a community case manager in order to receive the appropriate services for their needs. Recidivism is an important issue which needs attention as eventually the majority of imprisoned offenders will return to society (Gontkovsky McClellan, 2000). Rehabilitation is particularly important especially with regards to inmates who have mental illness. Some of these inmates have a pre-existing mental illness whereas others develop an illness due to issues such as fear of violence and restricted freedom (Gontkovsky McClellan, 2000). Due to inadequate staffing, evaluations of offenders with psychological issues are often brief and unreliable which results in ineffective treatment. In theory the key to successful rehabilitation is providing individually tailored treatment programs however, this is rarely implemented. Resources should not be wasted on individuals who are unwilling to put the effort in but should be reserved for individuals who are motivated for change. To avoid recidivism women need the opportunity to deal with any trauma they have suffered and they need support to learn more effective ways of dealing with their problems to take control of their own lives. In Germany counselling and conversation during the night are provided to prisoners. The suggestions for improving the current practise for women in prison is using prison as a last resort for women who do not pose a risk to society. Also all policies which are developed must recognise the gender specific needs of women and finally mental illnesses which arise from substance abuse and PTSD should be specifically addressed (MacDonald, 2013).One of the objectives of this project was to develop a resource pack for prisons and other criminal justice related authorities to provide examples of good practice and to highlight programmes which already exist for women survivors of violence and abuse. A second objective of the project was to develop a training programme for the staff that ca rries out work with female prisoners who have experienced violence to help them understand the problems which these women face. In conclusion this essay has established the link between mental health and crime with regards to past life experience and in particular to females. The difficulties which individuals with mental illness face who commit crime have also been addressed. Effectively managing mental illness would benefit both the individual and also wider society. A broader understanding in the criminal justice system of mental illness would also be beneficial. For individuals who pose a risk to either themselves or to others there is often no alternative to a custodial sentence. However, for the individuals who do not pose a risk to themselves or to others perhaps developing and implementing other strategies than custodial sentences would reduce the ever revolving prison door. This would also take the pressure off of the prison service to provide treatment which they are not equipped to provide. If issues are identified in childhood early intervention may also reduce the number of individuals with menta l illness who find themselves entrapped in the ever revolving door of prison. Rather than condemn individuals with mental illness who commit crime it may be more constructive to identify the reason which caused them to offend in the first place. In some cases mental illness will play a role in the offending behaviour however in some cases other factors may have cause the offending. It is of utmost importance to clarify the factor which led to the offending behaviour in order to deal with the situation effectively and reduce further offending.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Exemplification Essay: The Need to Improve the Apathetic Attitude of Yo

Are young people in today's society enamored with themselves? Do they care about others? Are they unfeeling; show little or no interest or emotion; unresponsive, indifferent; passionless or void of feeling? What is the cause or reason for apathy in young folks today that wasn't there a hundred years ago? Quite possibly it is a lack of mental stimulation. As responsible citizens of the United States, we should decide to not put up with indifference but encourage young people to get involved in their communities and to be concerned about what is going on in the government and around the world. We must not encourage the apathetic attitude that is creeping in on our young people today because our nation will end up with a population that has opinions but won't speak up and make a difference for what they believe in. An example of a current crisis is the majority of young adults, nationwide, who couldn't care less about who represents them on any level (Reflector). Although the majority of young Americans have particular views on nearly every issue at hand, they are becoming increasingly apathetic when it boils down to going to the polls and voting. This apathy may be due, in part, to the fact that a number of students think politicians seldom listen to their ideas and opinions. Because they feel ignored, some students are reluctant to vote, and although they may not realize it, their lack of concern is actually affecting politics itself. According to Alex Cole, founder of Democracy Matters, in the 2000 presidential election, less than 18% of the country's 18-24 year olds voted. Maybe a childhood filled with entertaining electronic devices has made them politically apathetic. But maybe they vote less because they don't see the po... ...different adults who only care about themselves. Parents, intellectually stimulate your children by teaching them life skills, by going on field trips, sending them outside to play, and spending quality family time together. Older children can broaden their own minds by participating in such activities. Don't let the apathetic community of young people influence you. "It will come about at that time that I will search Jerusalem with lamps, and I will punish the men who are stagnant in spirit, who say in their hearts, 'The LORD will not do good or evil!" (Zeph.1.12) Get excited about where you live and what you can do to help benefit your family life, church, community, and school, making a difference in the life of someone else. Commit yourself to making a positive change in someone's life--someone who quite possibly can't do it themselves. You make a difference!

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Midterm Review for Book Creating Effective Group

Interdependence: each part relies on one another Synergy: sum of the parts is greater than the whole 2. Mutual influence: implies cause and effect are interchangeable. 3. Adaptation: an individual will change or the group as a whole will adapt to situations presented such as behaviors differences, culture differences, situational differences, skill differences, etc. 4. Equiflnality: there are multiple ways to accomplish the same goal, not Just one right way. One person can go one way; one person can go another and meet at the same end. 00What does systems thinking entail?The idea that all the parts of a group or organization are ultimately connected to one nother and hat low leverage change can shift large structures within an organization. 00What are the three basic needs that Schutz suggests motivate individuals to become members of a group, and what does each need entail? Inclusion: feel accepted into the group Control: feel some influence on the outcome Affection: feel needed and appreciated in the group 00What are the four phases of Fisher's model of group development, and what does each phase entail? . Orientation: getting to know one another, primary tension stage 2. Conflict: differences of opinion come up, secondary tension stage 3. Emergence: Focus on shared understandings, come to some agreements, establish yourself as a group 4. Reinforcement: make your decisions and implement them development theorizes, and what does each track entail? 1. Task Track: Where somebody does a task that further develops them as a unit 2. Relational track: building the relationships 3.Topic track: what are we trying to do in the first place? *Does not go in a linear fashion. 00What does the multiple sequence model of group development suggest about how group development happens? Some groups invest more time on the task track than on the relational track and ice versa. It doesn't have to go in order either. They move back and forth all along the track. You can go ahead wi th the task before the relationship is developed whereas with Fisher's model you could not.Know, recognize the definition, and be able to apply or express the significance of the following terms and concepts: Dyad: 2 people System: collection of interdependent parts arrayed in such a way that a change in one of its components will effect changes in all other components Synergy: sum of the parts is greater than the whole Task Dimensions: writing and turning in reports like suggesting on better traffic flow or construction on school days Social Dimensions: building interpersonal relationships â€Å"Kay calling Ray a dumbass† tells us that they can Joke, greeting someone *Individual roles: putting own interests before matters of the group Norm: rules that regulate behavior, things you should or shouldn't do Implicit norms: Implied Explicit norms: written out Conformity: follow the norm Clarifying the norm: making sure you understand the rule Challenge the norm: offer alternative s to the norm, question the norm primary tension: getting to know one another, orientation secondary tension: differences of opinion coming up, conflict Chapter 2: 00What does openness to self-discovery entail, and why is it important for small group communication? To know yourself- your strengths as well as your weaknesses, your beauty as well as your ugliness- is helpful in getting to know others. To be open to yourself is the first step in being open to others. 00What does accepting yourself entail, and why is it important for small group communication?You are less likely to look for other group member's approval if you accept your own strengths and weaknesses. If you accept yourself, and are comfortable admitting our weaknesses, we are more likely to accept imperfections in others as well. communication? Silencing our Judgment, condemning our mind for a while and listening to others, even if their ideas are opposite of ours. It means we overlook differences and seek similarities . Without this, interactions in groups can be rigid, intolerant, and blaming. following terms and concepts: Old learning: any idea we have about ourselves and who we think we are. The majority of these ideas come from others. They can come from the media.They tell us what who we should be and what we should want. Decompression time: taking a break from the busy every day routine for a few minutes to be alone, catch your breath, and collect yourself, making you a cheerful person again. Chapter 3: OOIn what ways is communication a learned behavior? By the age of five, most of our adult language and basic communication patterns have been established. However, throughout the rest of life, people can learn new ways of speaking, listening, and interacting with others. 00What four principles of verbal communication does FuJishin suggest to keep in mind when working in groups? It is symbolic It is governed by rulesIt defines and limits It lets us create 00What five principles of nonverbal c ommunication does FuJishin suggest to keep in mind when working in groups? It is continuous It conveys emotions It is more universal than verbal communication It is multichanneled It is ambiguous OOHow do individuals' backgrounds influence the processes of encoding and decoding? The personal history, as well as personality, gender, race, age, knowledge, experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and emotions influence his/her communication experience. Culture changes how people communicate and respond. Receivers don't lways give feedback and the sender is okay with that whereas in our society when that happens we think people are ignoring us. 00What are the four levels of communication, and what does each level entail?Surface talk – small talk Reporting Facts – not getting too personal, verifying facts; â€Å"things that Just are. † Giving Sharing feelings- Really opening up 00What does Tannen suggest about men's and women's conversational strategies in her book You Just Don't Understand? Women speak and hear a language of connection and intimacy, while men speak and hear a language of status and independence. ollowing terms and concepts: Controller- takes control of everyone Blamer- blames everyone else when something goes wrong Pleaser- pleases everyone Distractor- Joking around Ghost- doesn't do anything Communication: transactional process in which communicators attempt to influence and are influenced by others

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Carrie Buck Essay

Buck versus Bell 274 U. S. 2000 (1927) was the United States Supreme Court ruling that upheld a statue instituting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the mentally retarded â€Å"for the protection and health of the state. † (Holmes) It was largely seen as an endorsement of negative eugenics which is the attempt of science to improve the human race by eliminating â€Å"defectives† from the gene pool. (Elof) Paul Lombardo argues (in N. Y. U. Law Review, April 1985, 60(30):30-62) that the Buck case was a milestone in government power over individual rights. Lambardo) In his essay â€Å"Carrie Buck’s Daughter: a popular, quasi-scientific idea can be a powerful tool for injustice,† Stephen Jay Gould attacks the injustice of the false â€Å"science† of eugenics, and champions Carrie Buck as the example of the victims. This paper aims scrutinized Gould’s writing skills by studying and analyzing the five metaphors he used in the essay. First, the comparison to Judeo-Christian (Exodus) and pagan Greco-Roman (philosopher Plato) ideas of punishment through 3 generations which is unjust will be tackled. Second, Carrie Buck is an instrument of showing the people what injustice is. Third, the references to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s policy of eugenics through gas ovens will be analyzed. Fourth, the issue of the dishonesty of the American legal system and the issue regarding Oliver Wendell Holmes will prove that government powers overpower the individual rights. This should not be the case. Lastly, the metaphor from the ballad â€Å"Barbara Allen† will be talked about. At the end this paper will also examine and evaluate whether Gould succeeded or not in his argument or persuasion essay Gould was a world renowned historian of science. (Shermer) This is why one believes that he uses metaphors that happened in history. He wanted to prove his arguments by relating to what has already happened in the past which is unique for a writer to do. The first metaphor was a comparison to Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman ideas of punishment through 3 generations. In addition to that is the superstition of bad things happens in threes. One supposes that Gould wants the readers to realize the similarity of the ruling and the ancient beliefs. He argued though that the injustice here is that the children are innocent of the crimes of their fathers or grandfathers. (Gould) When Gould referred to Adolf Hitler as the perfect metaphor for evil, it could be he was coming from a point of view that no person in the history of the world had done what Adolf Hitler did and all for the reason of eugenics. Gould was also known to write about philosophical matters. He was clearly disgusted by the eradication of over 9 million people through gas ovens just because they were considered â€Å"imperfect. † (Gould) How could Hitler know what is perfect if he is imperfect? Surely, it seems illogical when one sees this argument. As for the issue of dishonesty of the American legal system were the victims were not told of sterilization and that the government falsified records was just plain unjust. The government does not have powers to undermine the rights of any individual. The individual is in the proper perspective to know how to better a government and a sense of bettering a society rather than one person holding a high office. That should better fulfill each individual needs and in turn produce a more controlled government. A government should be entirely equal to all citizens and each individual should make his or her own decisions. (Rousseau) One of the most notable documents in history tells of the necessity of individual rights and explains why those rights are a necessity. Individuals’ wants and needs could possibly be blind to the state running the government and everyday pleasures that many take for granted could quickly come to light once they were gone. Often, the state does not visualize this method and can sometimes ignore the individual’s needs all together when proposing things. This basically give power to the federal government to control and set laws for people instead of letting the individual think for him or herself and control their own actions. With having the states predominate control over individuals, problems often occur and the different laws and propositions could alienate some people. The Declaration of Independence originally established different rights for the population of the United States in which gave the people rights of freedom that the citizens needed and a norm to have a guide for the people. Plato’s â€Å"from Crito† is a document that established and guidelines to be held by the states instead of the individual. The Declaration of Independence sought for individual unlike the principles regarded in â€Å"from Crito†, in which saw the power of the government to be lead by the state. Over time people have swayed from the views of the Declaration of Independence and have abused their rights that were allowed to them. That should be no reason to have these freedoms taken from them. Individual rights are a must in society and are important in the function of everyday life. The individual’s rights should predominate and not the government powers. In fact, the government has defeated their purpose by doing acts like fraud and telling lies. (Rousseau) They have the responsibility to defend and protect the innocent and helpless against people that will try to harm them. In this case, the people who are harming the innocent are the ones that should have been protecting the victims. Gould argued that as we can see in the evidences that Carrie Bucker is a victim of this injustice. Gould also made a reference to the ballad â€Å"Barbara Allen†. The ballad was about two lovers who were united only in their deaths which is similar to what has happened to the mother and child in the Buck case. Carrie and Vivian Buck were reunited when they were already dead. Gould’s tone during this part was a person who mourns as if the two people were related to him. He was so disappointed in what happened in their lives and was disappointed that because of the injustice done by the government we see the end of the Buck lineage with Vivian. Stephen Jay Gould is one unique writer. What distinguishes Gould from other writers is that he has taken his work beyond academia and into everyday life. He takes certain aspects of information in history or in any topic that appeal to a general audience and makes them relevant to the here and now. Gould uses his unique style to condense the key contributions of influential figures into a single essay. He also uses his own seemingly mundane experiences to make larger points. In this essay, one could see that readers will be enthralled to read from the very first page. He uses ordinary language but this does not mean that the depth of his words and thoughts would suffer. One can also see that he uses different perspectives in looking at the problem and not just contained in his expertise. He definitely succeeded in this persuasion essay if what he really wants was to open the eyes of the public to the negative effects of eugenics in our lives. Gould captures the emotions of the readers by using information that is both scientific and historical. However, if one questions whether Gould was impartial or objective then one would say that he was impartial. Although he did not directly state it in the essay, one could feel his emotions when one is reading through the article. Gould has established an interesting point in this essay. It was fascinating to see how he had developed the theme and wrapped it up. The essay was like a more structured version of a good and intellectual conversation. Gould has his own unique philosophy of science that has influenced both his career and his life. That philosophy can best be summed up in a quotation from Charles Darwin, frequently cited by Gould as a sound principle of philosophy: â€Å"All observation must be for or against some view if it is to be of any service. † (Darwin) Gould has followed Darwin’s advice throughout his career and his extensive writings.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Women In Antebellum America essays

Women In Antebellum America essays The ideal antebellum woman is a far cry from todays woman, but of course the antebellum time period is over a century removed from todays world. The antebellum woman was expected to be a member of the proverbial cult of domesticity, a term modern historians use to describe the web of values and ideas-or ideology-pertaining to a unique feminine sphere. [1] It was argued by writers, among others, that a womans place was in the home as opposed to the a mans public world of commerce and politics. [2] In essence, antebellum society created spheres for each of the sexes. As mentioned above the feminine sphere was the home, and stepping outside of such created negative connotations, while the masculine sphere was the public world. Theses views of antebellum woman were the standard for most of the United States (US). However, keeping in mind that this was a time frame just prior to the Civil War, a womans sphere of values was given slightly different parameters depending on the part of the US she lived in. The Norths ideology included a twist which had woman working outside of the home and had woman reaching for more recognition and value. While the Souths twist was one of religion, morality and her contribution to the countrys continued success, measured by the quality of child she raised. The creation of the ideology of spheres can be seen from values brought over by the colonist. In such, their ideals were based on the notion that God intended for woman and men to be different. Both were meant to labor, but they were meant to labor at different tasks.[3] Some of theses difference were based on social as well as economic life. Woman contributed to the household estate, but men were its owners. Labor may have been a gender-neutral term in colonial culture but, authority and property were masculine concepts, while dependence and subordination were clearly fem...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Plunkitt of Tamany Hall- Book Report essays

Plunkitt of Tamany Hall- Book Report essays Scandals have always been a part of the political landscape in America. Plunkitt of Tamany Hall, by William Riordan explains the scandals of political parties of New York which occurred a century ago. George Washington Plunkitt was the leader of Tamany Hall during that time, and in his book he talks about plain politics, honest and dishonest graft, how civil service laws weakened Tamany hall, political patronage, and even gives practical advice about how to succeed in politics. There is a clear distinction between honest and dishonest graft, says Plunkitt. Honest graft is making money from politics by using political business to your advantage, for example Plunkitt sometimes got tipped off about the city planning to buy property for creating parks, for example, and suddenly Plunkitt purchases the property that the city wants for a cheaper price. Now that Plunkitt owns land that the city wants, the price of that land has suddenly shot through the roof, and to Plunkitts advantage the city buys the land at a much higher price from him, and he has gotten richer as a result. Now dishonest graft would have made Plunkitt very disgusted. Dishonest graft is using political power to get rich, such as stealing money from the state treasury, blackmailing gamblers, or gaining money from extreme political patronage, even though Plunkitt believed in some kind of Present day politics still resembles the politics of Tamany Hall. One example is politicians getting rich off of political patronage, some taking it to the extremes. Another example is an abuse of presidential pardons, such as Tamany hall favoring people who have supported it financially, President Bill Clinton pardoned someone who committed a crime, because Mr. Clinton received financial support from him. Also Tamany hall raised a lot of elections and money during election time for whiche ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Rude Literary Agents

Rude Literary Agents A long-time follower and fellow mystery author wrote me recently after the smack-down from a rude literary agent. I recently got a nasty rejection letter from an agent that said, When we said we were looking for new Southern writers, we were looking for the next Pat Conroynot the next Dukes of Hazzard. I should have been insulted, but it kind of rings true, and I reminded her the show was on the air for seven years! A back-wood badge of honor! I understood. An agent once asked me in a rejection letter, Why would we want a book about an insurance agent? She was talking about Carolina Slade, the protagonist in my original mystery series who was an investigator for agriculture. My first instinct at reading that ignorance was that I didnt need an agent with that attitude or lack of sense, and I considered that rejection as me dodging a bullet. Ive been to enough writers conferences to see agents act foolishly, behaving as if they were royalty walking amongst the commoners. Theyve laughed on panels at the naivete of certain writers, chuckled behind their hands during blind critiquing panels, and sat at tables at banquets, only with other agents, mind you, while sniggering at the speakers. Regardless of how lofty these souls think they are, you do not want that personality representing you. They will not be loyal. If they sign you, youll be the current favorite toy until a brighter, shinier thing comes along. Last week, I spoke of self-respect. The more self-assured you are, the better your chances are of landing an agent. . . the right agent. Of course, your writing has to be good, but if you are confident in yourself, a good agent will recognize that strength. Theyll see you wont be deterred Most of all, theyll see that youre interested in creating your stories and spreading them to the world, and thats what any reputable agent wants, too.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business law and ethics - Essay Example In this regard, this essay is written to evaluate a particular case on business law and ethics, specifically delving into four ethical theories in the process: utilitarianism, the Golden Rule, Kant’s categorical imperative and virtue ethics. The discourse would begin with a summary of the case facts and proceed into a discussion of the ethical issues. The essay would progress into an enumeration of the affected parties before closely evaluating the case facts using the four ethical theories abovementioned. The recommendation would take into consideration relevant ethical contexts and critical thinking and analytical skills applicable in the given scenario and would be presented in the form of consequences and obligations, as required. Case facts reveal that Pat, a plant manager in one of ABC Company’s five plants has been employed with the company for 15 years. She has earned the trust of her boss as manifested by revealing in confidence about the lay-off plans involving 200 workers. In this given situation, an old friend of Pat tried to confirm the veracity of the rumor circulating in the plant. Given the facts of the case, the ethical issues that Pat must take into consideration are itemized below: (1) due to the confidentiality of the information accorded to Pat, she is in a quandary as to reveal the truth about the layoff; (2) as an employee who had earned the trust of management, Pat is indebted to the company for sending her to college; thereby, the personal traits of honesty and integrity, in concurrence with abiding with policies of confidentiality, are hereby critical in the decision making process; (3) an old friend relies on Pat to give her the right information regarding the rumor of laying off 200 personnel; Pat is therefore bewildered as her loyalty and trust is hereby tested. It is critical to identify in an ethical

Friday, October 18, 2019

Free writing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Free writing journal - Essay Example There are many closing doors in the story, a symbolism of Miss Emily’s refusal to adapt to the changes. Miss Emily’s refusal to accept the changing nature and behavior of the society and her environment made her a recluse. This indicates that refusal to accept that our world is changing is a ticket to getting stuck in one place and never moving forward to where we want to be. There are several indications in the story proving Miss Emily’s refusal to become part of the modern world. She didn’t want to put tin numbers on her door and she doesn’t want to have anything to do with the postal service. She didn’t want to accept her debt and she insisted she had no taxes to pay. A Rose for Emily makes us realize that even if we stick to our traditions, there will come a time that our old ways can only be found in books. As people die, traditions die as well, even if we tried so hard to keep things the way it used to be. Since death is inevitable, we cannot assure ourselves that tomorrow, what we’re doing today will still be what the future will be

The Competition & Consumer Act of 2010 Replaces Trade Practices Act of Essay

The Competition & Consumer Act of 2010 Replaces Trade Practices Act of 1974 - Implications and Significance - Essay Example The Trade Practices Act of 1974 has always been an integral component of Constitution of Australia as a guarantor of purchaser. Background & Evolution: The need for the formation of a business law was felt during the British rule in Australia in the first half of the 19th century however, at that time all the companies were governed by â€Å"English Company Act of 1862†. In the first half of the 20th century Federal Parliament of Australia formed "foreign corporations, and trading or financial corporation’s formed within the limits of the Commonwealth" and the Small Business activities were left within the domain of the state and the particular territories in a geographical location. In the year 1961-62 for the first time in the history of Australian Business Law State Legislation and Commonwealth Legislation formed â€Å"A Uniform Companies Act†. The year 1965 Trade Practices Act crafted a â€Å"Commissioner of Trade Practices and a Trade Practices Tribunalâ₠¬  to scan trade accords and performances. However, this act was ephemeral and finally the High Court in Australia had to annul the aforesaid act due to â€Å"Constitutional Difficulties† and replaced the same with Restrictive Practices Act in 1971. The Trade Practices Act of 1974 was endorsed to deal with issues relating to Consumer protection was exclusively in charge of looking after the interests of the consumers at all levels however, the Legislation regarding fair trading and other issues external to Trading Corporation remained within the realm of respective states and territories. Thus, The Trade Practices Act 1974 became the decisive Legal entity governing the trade policies to ensure the welfare of the consumers. Finally the Trade Practices Act 1974 was replaced by â€Å"Competition and Consumer Act of 2010.†(History of Business Law, 2010) The Trade Practices Act 1974 Hence the primary task of the Trade Practices Act was to ensure healthy competition without compromising the interests of the consumers. Fair Trading was the benchmark to analyze the role of big companies concerning the protection of consumers. From patrons, merchants, contractor and traders they all fall within the ambit of the Act. In short it included every facets of market place. Regulation of trade through Price monitoring is one of the key ingredients for accomplishing the consumer protection. Other means for safeguarding the interests of the consumers could be ensuring product security, labeling of products and finally restricting â€Å"unjust marketplace practices†. The Competition & Consumer Act of 2010 January 2010 marked the New Year with a new set of laws and legislations that was passed for safeguarding and protecting the rights of the Consumers as well as business groups. If one has to carefully analyze and understand the special benefit of this new law that has replaced the former Trade Practices Act, one can draw two main benefits which are evident. Special Significance of the Act: First it accommodates and accepts the nationwide agreed sets of protections on a consumer known as Australian Consumer Law (ACL). According to this new Act there would be a single uniform Consumer Law all over the country. Hence it would relieve the burden on the business enterprise to abide by the various inter–states rulings. The consumer on the other hand would feel less discriminated against as there would be a uniform law safeguarding and

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homework - Assignment Example The article is intended for handicapped hunters so they can continue hunting with the use of the Liberator. As reported, the Liberator â€Å"contains a movable mount that can be fitted with a single shot rifle, shotgun, or a cross bow. Odland and Schafer modeled the joystick control which moves the gun or bow up and down or side to side after the joystick found on modern wheelchairs. There is a tiny camera mounted behind the scope of the gun which projects the image of crosshairs and the target onto a video monitor the hunters can easily view from their wheel chairs† (Yankovich, 2010, par. 6). The author is actually an entrepreneur who owns a jewelry shop in Lowell, Michigan. He had first hand access to the information knowing Pete Odland personally from their common demographic location. The article provided relevant information as a unique and useful design to assist handicapped hunters in regaining mobility to enjoy what they love most. The innovative design was able to hel p hunters regain â€Å"the freedom for physically challenged people to â€Å"do it themselves†.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Aerodynamics Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Aerodynamics Homework - Essay Example ility develops forces that move it further from its position and neutral stability enables the aircraft to maintain the position without moving forward and backward. Control refers to the effectiveness of displacement of regulating features of an aircraft that determines the rate at which the attitudes and direction of flight can be altered. Aircraft control plays a critical role in other features such as stability and maneuvarabilty since it can easily respond to manipulations. Maneuverability is the ability of an aircraft to change direction and attitude as required. Maneuverability is vital in maintaining the stability of an aircraft. This implies that for an aircraft to maintain stability, it must have the tendency of returning to the straight, upright and level attitude (Skiba, 2002). Maintaining a straight level flight and a suitable stability requires aircraft designers build bodies in different levels of static and dynamic stability. The wings of the Spirit of St. Louis were attached above the weight. Charles Lindberg was impressed with the lateral stability of aircraft because the weight that was low above the wing would act as a pendulum to minimise chances of rolling if one if one wing dropped. This type of stability is positive since it was intended to return the aircraft to its original position in case of a disturbance (Skiba,

International finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

International finance - Research Paper Example Engaging in International trade is important for the economies of the two or more countries involved; because there is an exchange of foreign currencies, creation of jobs and enhancement of revenues through taxation of the business profits. For multi-national organizations to survive in this import and export trade, they have to employ financial tools in their assessments, and this includes financial agreements and use of security exchanges. A product of trade in international finance varies depending on locations, legal requirements of operating in such destinations and transaction requirements. This paper seeks to assess the impact of selling beverages from United States of America into the Kenyan market. Abinam Inc. has been in the beverage industry for over 20 years, and recently decided to expand its operations in Africa, and specifically East Africa. To start its operations, the company identified Kenya as a convenient starting point because of its economic dominance in East Af rica, and the high quality its infrastructure, which includes roads and telecommunications. The Kenyan political structure advocates for liberalization and a free market economy and all this are conducive for our operations. Kenya is a lucrative destination of the beverage industry because of the financial capabilities of its citizens and their thirst for new ideas and products. In analyzing the practicality of beverage sale in Kenya, this paper seeks to identify the different methods of International Business that Abinam Inc. will employ in the Kenyan market. It will assess Kenyan balance of current account in the last ten years to determine whether the planned beverage product is an export of the country. This paper will analyze Kenyan main exports and thereafter use them to predict the profitability rate of the beverage products. In achieving this, this paper will scrutinize the import data of Kenya for the last ten years and thereafter make a conclusion regarding the beverage pr oducts. This paper will review the import control mechanisms of the Kenyan State in order to assess the possibility of Abinam Inc. in conducting trade in the and its effects in its operations. In analyzing these mechanisms, this paper will identify specific controls set by the Kenyan government, giving an explanation of its intended objectives and thereafter its effect in the operations of beverage sale of Abinam Inc. This paper will review the changes in the various currencies of the two states, i.e. American Dollar and the Kenyan Shilling. This will help in analyzing the type of currencies to use, since changes in currencies can affect the profitability of a business organization. In understanding the foreign exchange rates of the two currencies, Abinam Inc. will be able to develop currency features which will minimize risks associated with fluctuations in foreign exchange rate. This paper has a conclusion, which highlights the process of registering a business organization in Ken ya. Kenyan economy is agriculturally based and it imports most of its products from Europe and Asia, because of this, most of its international trade is skewed in favor of the industrialized states. In the last ten years, the Kenyan current account has seen a deficit (Goswami and Matoo, 2012). A current account is the balance between values of the country’s imports compared to the revenues generated from its exports. The current

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Aerodynamics Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Aerodynamics Homework - Essay Example ility develops forces that move it further from its position and neutral stability enables the aircraft to maintain the position without moving forward and backward. Control refers to the effectiveness of displacement of regulating features of an aircraft that determines the rate at which the attitudes and direction of flight can be altered. Aircraft control plays a critical role in other features such as stability and maneuvarabilty since it can easily respond to manipulations. Maneuverability is the ability of an aircraft to change direction and attitude as required. Maneuverability is vital in maintaining the stability of an aircraft. This implies that for an aircraft to maintain stability, it must have the tendency of returning to the straight, upright and level attitude (Skiba, 2002). Maintaining a straight level flight and a suitable stability requires aircraft designers build bodies in different levels of static and dynamic stability. The wings of the Spirit of St. Louis were attached above the weight. Charles Lindberg was impressed with the lateral stability of aircraft because the weight that was low above the wing would act as a pendulum to minimise chances of rolling if one if one wing dropped. This type of stability is positive since it was intended to return the aircraft to its original position in case of a disturbance (Skiba,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds Essay

Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds - Essay Example In the article, using EC2 service, a ‘map’ was created to understand the potential targets that may be located inside the cloud and also for instance creation parameters, which is needed to establish the co-residence of an adversarial instance. Creation of this type of Map can provide opportunities for the adversaries to place malicious VM on the same physical machine as a target. The authors provide extensive details on how to map the Cloud. According to them, the availability zones in the Cloud are likely to correspond to different internal IP address ranges, which also may be true for instance types as well. Thus, when the adversary maps the use of the EC2 internal address space, it can help them to find out which â€Å"IP addresses corresponds to which creation parameters.† (Ristenpart et al.). In addition, EC2’s DNS service has the provision to map public IP address to private IP address. The map thus generated can be used by the adversary to deduce th e instance type and availability zones of a target service, which sizably reduces the number of instances that needs to be tried, before a co-resident placement is successfully achieved. The authors evaluate the above discussed two vulnerable sections by using two data sets. The first data set is the one which is created by categorizing the public EC2-based web servers using external probes like WHOIS queries, and then translating the responsive public IPs to internal IPs. The second set is created by initiating a number of EC2 instances of varying types, and then surveying the resulting IP address assigned. (Ristenpart et al.). To fully utilize this data, the authors presented a heuristic algorithm, which has the ability to label /24 prefixes with an estimate of the availability zone. Thus, by using these options, a map of internal EC2 address space is outputted, which can allow adversaries to estimate the availability zone and instance type of any target. With outputted map, the a dversary can attempt to achieve placement on the same physical machine, and so in the next section of the article, the authors discuss about the several co-residence checks. According to the authors, instances are said to be co-resident, if they have matching â€Å"Dom0 IP address, small packet round-trip times, or even numerically close internal IP addresses.† (Ristenpart et al.). After providing this crucial piece of information, the authors focus on how adversaries can achieve co-residence in the same physical machine using the outputted map, by following two strategies, the brute-force strategy and the refined strategy. Under brute-force strategy, the attacker has to simply launch many instances over a relatively long period of time. In the case of refined strategy, the attacker has to target the recently-launched instances, as the Third Party providers particularly EC2 assign fresh instances to mainly the same small set of machines. According to the authors, the later st rategy has high chances of achieving co-residence, and they provide how this strategy â€Å"achieves co-residence with a specific (m1.small) instance almost half the time.† (Ristenpart et

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Demographic Factors For A Business Commerce Essay

The Demographic Factors For A Business Commerce Essay According to Michael Mattson John Ivancevich, the key factors influencing the differences in human behavior patterns are demographic factors, perception, ability and skills, personality and attitudes as follows: 1. Demographic factors: Demographic factors depend on someone Education, background, age, nationality, race, gender, etc. Organizations prefer those individuals who promote good socio-economic background, etc. and who are educated young people as they can better perform tasks. The young and dynamic professionals with good knowledge and communication skills are perfect and always in high demand by organizations. The study of demographic factors is important because it helps managers to select the qualified candidate for a job. 2. Ability and skills: Capacity is the physical capacity of an individual to do something. Skills can be defined as the ability to act in such a way that allows a person to do a good job perfectly. Individual behavior and performance is strongly influenced by the level of skills and competencies. A person can perform well in the organization, if his or her abilities and skills are matched with the job requirement. The manager has a very important role in the selection and assignment of individuals with particular job. 3. Perception: Perception is a process by which an individual reaches the sensory awareness or understand the information. The perception comes from the Latin word perceptio, percipio, which means receiving collecting. Â   There are many factors that affect the perception of an individual. The study of the perception plays a vital role for managers, as they know how to create a favorable atmosphere for work so that employees perceive them in a better way. Employees are probably give better results if they are going to perceive it in a positive and justified. 4. Attitude: According to psychologists, the attitude can be defined as the tendency to react positively or negatively to certain people, objects or situations. Factors such as family, culture, society and organizational factors influence attitude formation. Employees can do better for the organization if it is a positive attitude. It contributes to business growth and development 5. Personality: Personality comes from the Greek word personawhich means mask is defined as the study of personality characteristics and distinctive personality traits, the relationship between them, and how a person reacts and adapts to other people and situations. There are a number of factors that influence the personality of the individual i.e family, heredity, society, culture and situation. Its a fact that people differ in their way, responding to the organizational environment. Personality can also be termed as the most difficult aspect of human beings, which affects their behavior in a big way. It is shown that the study of personality traits offers an opportunity to understand peoples. This helps them to properly channel their efforts and motivate them to complete the organizational goals. Each organization requires a certain type of behavior from its employees and such behavior can be detected by monitoring, training, education, exposure, etc. Task for P4 Organization theory refers to the study of the phenomena of organizational functioning and performance of the behavior of individuals and groups working in them.The main theories to study the organization are as follows:- Classical theory: Efficiency productivity can be enhanced by improving the efficiency of the workers. F.W.Taylor is considered as the father of scientific management. According to him men are like machines, as good maintained machines production is more likewise healthy men can work more. He assumed there is one best method for every job. He introduced standardization of tasks, division of labour, analysis of work time measurement. He introduced the concept of fair day wages for fair days. According to him production is improved by teamwork and not by conflict. The goal is maximization of output and not limitation. The best means of doing a job needs for appropriate tools, motivation and fair wages. Bureaucratic theory: Organization designed to carry out large scale administrative tasks by thoroughly coordinating the work of many individuals. A German sociologist Max Weber introduced the idea of Bureaucracy. Salient features A person is said to have power or authority, If within the social framework his will can be imposed on others despite resistance for structuring human groups, becomes a special instance of power called authority or domination. Systems theory: Organization is as a system in which coordinated personal activities of two or more persons, held together by the potential for creating a common purpose, by willingness on the part of its members to participate in its processes and effective communication. Contingency theory It is a class of behavioral theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to make decisions or to lead a company. Instead, the optimal course of action is dependent upon the internal and external situations. It is also called a situational theory. Functions of Management: Planning: This is the first tool function in the management process. The difference between successful and unsuccessful manager is within the planning process. Planning is the logical thinking through the goals and decision making on what needs to be done to achieve organizational goals. Â  Organization: The manager must know their subordinates and that they are able to arrange the most valuable company resources, ie its employees. This is achieved through proper management of personnel of the division, the acquisition of resources, establishment of training and organization of work groups in a productive and creative team. Â  Leading: organizational success is determined by the quality of leadership. A leader can be a manager but the manager is not necessarily a leader, says Allen, Gemmy. Leadership is the power of influence of one person over another, to encourage action aimed at achieving the objectives of the company. Â  Controlling: A process that ensures plans are implemented correctly and precisely. As said by Gemmy Allens Controlling is the last link in the chain of functional management activities and brings management cycle full circle. Managerial Roles: According to Henry Mintzberg there are ten managerial roles which are briefly developed here: FIGUREHEAD: The manager performs ceremonial symbolic duties as head of the organisation. LEADER: To develop an appropriate working atmosphere and motivating and developing subordinates. LIASION: Develops maintains a network of external contacts to gather information. MONITOR: Collects internal external information relevant to the company. Distributor: Pass a realistic and important information to their subordinates. SPOKESPERSON: communicates with the outsiders on the performance policies. OWNER: Designs and initiates changes in the company. VIOLATIONS handler: Deals with unexpected events and operational failures. RESOURCES distributor: Management and allows the use of organizational resources. NEGOTIATOR: Participates in negotiation activities with other individuals and organisations. Managerial authority: Managerial authority is the position that empowers a manager to exercise command and control over those individuals placed under him for realization of the assigned role in an organisation. Originally, the overall authority is centrally given in person of the manager. However, it is quite hard for a man to effectively execute and monitor each and every task. Therefore, various functions with a suitable authority are devolved downwards to concerned low levels for better output. The practice also provides a foundation for organisational tree specifying various powers and responsibilities in both vertical and horizontal hierarchy.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Allusions In Invisible Man Essay -- essays research papers

Allusions in Invisible Man Invisible Man, written with ingenuity by Ralph Waldo Ellison, is a masterpiece by itself, but it also intertwines into every page one or more allusions to previously written masterpieces. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, and whether it was Ellison who incorporated the works into his own or others who incorporated his work into their own, it makes for a brilliant piece of literature. Ellison defines the character of the Invisible Man through literary, Biblical, and historical allusions. In the "Prologue," the narrator writes, â€Å"Call me Jack-the-Bear, for I am in hibernation† (6). . Although vague, this reference to Jack indicates all the Jacks in the fairy tales (Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack and Jill, etc.) Jack, the common protagonist, allows the reader to know that Invisible Man is the protagonist right away. The comment that he is in hibernation refers to his constant battle between being the protagonist or the antagonist; whether to act according to his feelings and instincts, or to try to follow the mysterious words of his deceased grandfather. Also, Brother Jack can be seen as a protagonist throughout the book as well. Even earlier in the chapter, a reference to Edgar Allan Poe is made; â€Å"I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe...† This allusion, clear and concise, refers to the "spooks" who haunted Edgar Allan Poe and right away defines the narrator's invisibility. He is not a ghost or spirit, but is invisible through his character, actions, and feelings about himself. In addition to these allusions, Dante's Inferno is referred to in the Prologue as well. Invisible Man relates the action of going to his home in the basement of the apartment building to descending into Hell. He comments that his â€Å"hole is warm and full of light... I doubt that there is a brighter spot in all of New York than this hole of mine..† (6.) This â€Å"hole† that the narrator refers to is the basement home that he discovers later in the novel. This is when he also realizes and accepts his invisibility. At this time the Invisible Man is both happy to accept his identity (or lack thereof) and bitter at the realization that he has no identity. This is why he refers to this as a place similar to hell,... ...he will always be black. No matter how much he, or any of his Brothers attempt to liberate themselves, they will never be able to rid themselves of the burden of their brown skin. Another historical allusion occurs on page 389 when Brother Tarp gives a special gift to the Invisible Man. He gives him a link of the chain the locked him down during his years of slavery. This is a shock to the narrator because it forces him to realize how recent slavery occurred. At first, he does not want the object, but after being scolded for having it on his desk by another Brother, he has grown attached to it. both the bank and the link are objects that stayed with the narrator throughout the story. On page 548 he drops his brief case containing his treasured, yet burdensome items, and insists on going back against a sheet of fire to retrieve the brief case. This is another example of how these items have become part of his identity. Allusions are an extremely effective device in literature. They help to reinforce ideas previously thought of by others. In Invisible Man the narrator’s character is successfully defined through the use of allusions throughout the novel Allusions In Invisible Man Essay -- essays research papers Allusions in Invisible Man Invisible Man, written with ingenuity by Ralph Waldo Ellison, is a masterpiece by itself, but it also intertwines into every page one or more allusions to previously written masterpieces. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, and whether it was Ellison who incorporated the works into his own or others who incorporated his work into their own, it makes for a brilliant piece of literature. Ellison defines the character of the Invisible Man through literary, Biblical, and historical allusions. In the "Prologue," the narrator writes, â€Å"Call me Jack-the-Bear, for I am in hibernation† (6). . Although vague, this reference to Jack indicates all the Jacks in the fairy tales (Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack and Jill, etc.) Jack, the common protagonist, allows the reader to know that Invisible Man is the protagonist right away. The comment that he is in hibernation refers to his constant battle between being the protagonist or the antagonist; whether to act according to his feelings and instincts, or to try to follow the mysterious words of his deceased grandfather. Also, Brother Jack can be seen as a protagonist throughout the book as well. Even earlier in the chapter, a reference to Edgar Allan Poe is made; â€Å"I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe...† This allusion, clear and concise, refers to the "spooks" who haunted Edgar Allan Poe and right away defines the narrator's invisibility. He is not a ghost or spirit, but is invisible through his character, actions, and feelings about himself. In addition to these allusions, Dante's Inferno is referred to in the Prologue as well. Invisible Man relates the action of going to his home in the basement of the apartment building to descending into Hell. He comments that his â€Å"hole is warm and full of light... I doubt that there is a brighter spot in all of New York than this hole of mine..† (6.) This â€Å"hole† that the narrator refers to is the basement home that he discovers later in the novel. This is when he also realizes and accepts his invisibility. At this time the Invisible Man is both happy to accept his identity (or lack thereof) and bitter at the realization that he has no identity. This is why he refers to this as a place similar to hell,... ...he will always be black. No matter how much he, or any of his Brothers attempt to liberate themselves, they will never be able to rid themselves of the burden of their brown skin. Another historical allusion occurs on page 389 when Brother Tarp gives a special gift to the Invisible Man. He gives him a link of the chain the locked him down during his years of slavery. This is a shock to the narrator because it forces him to realize how recent slavery occurred. At first, he does not want the object, but after being scolded for having it on his desk by another Brother, he has grown attached to it. both the bank and the link are objects that stayed with the narrator throughout the story. On page 548 he drops his brief case containing his treasured, yet burdensome items, and insists on going back against a sheet of fire to retrieve the brief case. This is another example of how these items have become part of his identity. Allusions are an extremely effective device in literature. They help to reinforce ideas previously thought of by others. In Invisible Man the narrator’s character is successfully defined through the use of allusions throughout the novel

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mass Extinction Essay -- K-T Extinction

ABSTRACT Several mass extinctions have occurred during the Earth’s history. The Cretaceous – Tertiary Boundary (K-T) Extinction caused the loss of at least three-quarters of all species known at that time including the dinosaurs. The cause of this mass extinction is a controversial subject among scientists but the fossil evidence of it’s occurrence is abundant. INTRODUCTION The K-T Extinction occurred 65 million years ago. Many species perished in that extinction. Today evidence for this extinction can be seen in the fossil record. Biological, botanical and geological evidence at the Cretaceous – Tertiary Boundary show that some enormous event occurred that caused mass extinction of life on the Earth. Controversy about the cause of the K-T extinction exists with two main theories currently being in favour. One theory is called Intrinsic Gradualism and believes the cause of the K-T Extinction was a slow and gradual Earth generated event, caused by intense volcanic activity and the effect of plate tectonics. The second theory is known as Extrinsic Catastrophism and proposes that the K-T Extinction was caused by a sudden and violent catastrophic event such as the Earth being struck by a meteor or asteroid. The K-T Extinction supports the concept of Punctuated Equilibrium in evolution because surviving species evolved and others were exterminated. Th is creates the stepladder effect of evolution seen in the fossil record . THE K-T EXTINCTION The Cretaceous period occurred between 144 and 65 million years ago. The K-T Extinction is an event that happened at the end of this period 65 million years ago. By the beginning of the Tertiary period eighty-five percent of all species disappeared, making it the second largest mass extinction event in geological history (â€Å"The End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction†, accessed 2000). Among the species that perished were the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, belemnoids, many species of plants, except ferns and seed-producing plants, ammonoids, marine reptiles and rudist bivalves. Severely affected organisms included planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannnoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brachiopods, mollusca, echinoids and fish. Mammals, birds, turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes and amphibians fared much better and were mostly unaffected by the End-Cretaceous mass extinction (â€Å"The End-cretaceous (K-T) Extinction†, accessed 2000... ...pdated 1995, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Dino Buzz – What killed The Dinosaurs ? – Current Arguments, Lowood, H. 1998 (updated 7 Sept 1999, accessed 30 June 2000), Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts, Stephen Jay Gould, http: // Smith, P.L. 1997a (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Biological Evidence, Smith, P.L. 1997b (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), The Marine Realm, Smith, P.L. 1997c (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), The Terrestrial Realm, Smith, P.L. 1997d (updated 1997, accessed 3 Sept. 2000), Geological Evidence, â€Å"Speculated Causes of the End-Cretaceous Extinction† (accessed 3 Sept. 2000), â€Å"The End-Cretaceous (K-T) Extinction† (accessed 3 Sept. 2000),

Friday, October 11, 2019

Sourcing of Materials for ISML

As part of my AMMT program, I have completed my three months internship program from a well-known industry named â€Å"Viyellatex Group†. During my internship period in â€Å"Viyellatex Group†, I have gained valuable knowledge and experience in the field of Supply Chain. So based on my learning and experience from the organization I have completed my internship report on Sourcing of Materials for ISMLâ€Å"Viyellatex Group†. In this paper I have tried to focus and analyze the core Material Management of ISML and what kind of value added services they are providing to their Buyer and Supplier.In the report I have discussed what kind of activities I have done describes in details in Supply Chain Department. Material sourcing, Purchasing & procurement, Inventory, in housing etc. In the terms of Sourcing I have basically discussed about the Executive Search of materials from the Supplier. In ISML supplier relationship is very confidential. In case of training I have tried to explain the different area of Sourcing. These are: current price of materials, how to get quality material with a minimum cost. In the methodology I have mentioned 30 population size and 7 sample size.In recommendations how the industry can improve and also give some suggestions. In this report the problems, scope, limitations and various analyses are also done. In this report I have also tried to analyze the benefits of these services as well as my learning from the organization. From my personal view the learning aspect was fruitful and the experience there will help me in the future. I have learnt many aspects of MM, working with different sections of the company. Mainly working with SCM and Warehouse of the company was a great learning oopportunity.This mearns the information of this report has been collected from company database and company past record files. Also data collected from Human Resource Manual and textbooks from various libraries. Primary data analysis: Fo r the main prospect of my report I have decided to use primary data analysis. For this I have structured a small survey using the â€Å"descriptive research design† in the perspective of Material Management department of the company. I also interviewed my supervisor Monowar Hossain, Head of Material Management, ISML. The research itself is both the mixture of Quantitative & Qualitative research:In the qualitative part it is an unstructured, exploratory research methodology based on small samples indented to provide insight and understanding of the Material Management department’s aactivity. But in case of qualitative side I have used structured questioner method and used standard sample size from the population of the whole Material Management department. As I have mentioned before the research design I have used in this analysis is â€Å"Descriptive Research Design† Under descriptive research design we know there are two types of methods are normally used they are: . Survey method 2. Observation method For my analysis I have used the survey method. This method works by obtaining information based on questioning of respondents. Respondents are asked a vvariety of questions regarding their behavior, intentions, attitudes, awareness and motivations. Question are basically asked either Verbally or in writing or both in same time. In this case I have decided to use the structured questioner format and asked the questions both verb ally and allowed them to write the aanswers.I followed also the observation method, where I have learned many things by the official environments and colleagues. Observation also based on personal experiences shared by the fellow in the Group. 1. 3 Scope The report is totally based on material management I mean supply chain management. We know it’s a department of ISML. Here I've discussed about all the materials for manufacturing garments I mean manufacturing a shirt. I also discussed about producing company of all that materials. I mentioned their price and competitive price in the market.I include here both international and local supplier company. 1. 4 Limitations # The study is undertaken considering ins and outs of the Material Management practices based on the Supply Chain Management of Interfab Shirt Manufacturing Ltd. and on personal experiences shared by the fellow in the Group. Personal biases and inconsistencies in the MM Manual with the current practices may be possible setbacks. # A relatively short period of internship may also be a reason to possibly overlook certain Misunderstandings or unfound details that may be of valued importance. Unavailability of data could be due to engagement of the current employees in Viyellatex Group. Experienced employees could have provided the required data. ? A good number of entrepreneurs are themselves ignorant about using the MM policies not only to source materials, but also to purchase and procure them. Due to shortage of time and oo pportunity collected data could not be possible to compare with the data from other entrepreneurs. ? Data collection was complicated due to high turnover rate. Turnover ratio calculation was not possible due to poor record keeping. CHAPTER-2

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Tesco Company Profile

The company has also established a strong customer base by effectively utilizing the information held within their systems by leveraging the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing. Alongside, the company has effectively performed the process of data mining through directly analysing the information from the EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) Systems installed in their shop floors so as to identify the potential customers and enter new target markets and business segments. The implementation of the file maker systems in line with their point of sale systems to produce store specific adverts and promotion banners has apparently leveraged the company an edge over its competitors in the supermarket chain. The online shopping system TESCO WEBSITE In the light of the above argument, an insight into the TESCO website reveals the following results. The company has a highly structured website that has classified its products efficiently based on the departments and then provided a two stage categorisation for identifying the actual product itself. The two stages of categorisation are achieved by the providing a short list of hyperlinks under a selected category so as to enable the customer to view the products. The website also provides an interactive help system that efficiently guides a new user to quickly get accustomed to the online shopping process in order to encourage the customers to shop online. Apart from the easy to navigate system and the help provided online, the company has also established a dedicated call centre service especially to attend to the queries of the online shoppers including support on completing an order as well as serving the customer queries on existing orders and deliveries. Alongside, the feature of reserving a delivery schedule before starting the shopping process itself makes it further easier for the customer to decide on the products to prioritise on the order placed. This provides an additional benefit of gaining customer satisfaction as well as a second to none service in the online shopping system to the customers. The aforementioned statements further justify that the TESCO Plc has apparently gained competitive advantage in the electronic commerce mode of retailing in the supermarket chain segment of the retail sector in the UK. Alongside, the company has not only established the online transaction system for the sale of its retail products but for cross selling of its other services including DVD rental, finance and other services. This complete existence of the company over the Internet has apparently proved successful in gaining competitive advantage in the market. The above analysis has proved that TESCO Plc has leveraged competitive advantage through strategically deploying the electronic commerce system in its website and conducting transactions quickly in order to provide timely delivery of the products and services. The research conducted so far is based on the secondary information resources and hence to derive on a concrete solution, a primary research in the form of questionnaire is carried out. The next chapter provides a critical overview of the research methodology and the scope

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

“Great Expectations”, “Romeo and Juliet” and “To Kill a Mocking Bird” Essay

â€Å"Great Expectations†, â€Å"To Kill a Mocking Bird†, and â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† are all very diverse pieces of literature. Each piece of literature is unique to one another, but they all share common characteristics and themes. All of the works include a key character that gains understanding of himself resulting from events in his life that caused confusions or prejudice. Pip, the main character of Great Expectations, learns a great amount resulting from confusion in his life. His confusion is caused by his love for Estella, a beautiful and proper girl of the upper-class. Pip becomes intrigued by Estella the moment Ms. Havisham, Estella’s guardian, has him over to visit. Ms. Havisham encourages and strengthens Pip’s feeling for Estella by always reminding him of Estella’s beauty and intelligence. As Pip grows older, his love for Estella never fades. Pip becomes confused when Estella makes him think that he may have a chance with her when in reality she doesn’t love him at all. Estella is incapable of loving because Ms. Havisham taught her to hide her affection and love and to never open up to a man. Once Pip realizes that he will never marry Estella he learns never to set his mind on one thing and that he must keep an open mind. Jem, the main character of To Kill a Mocking Bird, learns a lot from the prejudice he must experience in his life resulting from a trial his dad is involved in. Jem’s dad is defending a black man who was accused of raping a young girl in town. This is especially hard for Jem because he is growing up in a very racist southern town and time. Even though the majority of the people in the town know the black man is innocent, his color causes them to discriminate against him and accuse him as being guilty. The things Jem must experience as a result of the trial, such as getting beat up by a grown man, teach him many things about his life. He learns to give every person a chance no matter what their race, gender, or any other classifying features are. Most importantly, Jem learns to never cower down from what he believes in and to never give up. Juliet, the main character of the play Romeo and Juliet, also learns a lot from the confusion in her life. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight. Unfortunately Romeo and Juliet must express their love in secret  because their families are arch enemies. Juliet becomes confused a number of times throughout the play because she is put in the position of choosing between her lover and her family. For example, when Romeo kills Juliet’s cousin, she doesn’t know who to side with. Juliet decides to go against her family and quickly forgive Romeo. She figures love is the most important thing. Juliet learns that to be happy you must follow your heart. Even though the play ends in tragedy, the only thing that would make Juliet happy was to be with Romeo, even if it was in the afterlife. As one can see Pip, Jem, and Juliet all learned important lessons from their experiences. The confusion in Pip and Juliet’s lives and the prejudice in Jem’s cause them all to come to conclusions about themselves and their lives. Overall, the lessons each character learned helped them to become a better person who was more aware of himself.

Curriculum Trends Paper [Education] Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Curriculum Trends Paper [Education] - Essay Example Consequently, the academia across the world, especially the educational curriculum needs to undergo far-reaching transformation so that our children can effectively meet the needs of the changing times. The compulsions of the present times require versatility in the work ideology and functioning, thus making it imperative that new skills and strategic paradigms are evolved to meet the emerging challenges with efficiency and unmatched proficiency. The process of globalization and advancing technology which has brought about huge plethora of issues, need to be incorporated in the curricula. Education serves as the most effective platform to introduce changes within the social fabric of countries across the world. The graph shows the two years comparative of completion and persistence of post secondary students (graph 1, appendix) UNESCO has observed that â€Å"the diversity, complexity, and changing nature of basic learning needs of children, youth and adults necessitate broadening and constantly redefining the scope of basic education† (UNESCO, 1995). Four major factors have been identified that have major impact on the society and the incorporation of strategic flexibility i n the curricula is expected to facilitate the wide ranging ramifications of these factors. In the next ten years, the curriculum is expected to incorporate the following changes within its strategic goals and objectives. Globalization has brought together people from different cultures, religion, nation and races. The need to evolve common values and collective goals for societies so that people from diverse fields comprising different race, religion, color and culture may coexist in relative harmony and mutual cooperation has become imperative. The table indicates gender wise ethnic diversity in United State (table 1, appendix). Huntington reflects that â€Å"the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural†(Huntington, 1993). Some of the negative

Monday, October 7, 2019

Start a SME use SWOT and Pestle to analysis how it will benifit Essay

Start a SME use SWOT and Pestle to analysis how it will benifit Simventure - Essay Example The mission statement of the company would be â€Å"Best computing solutions in most affordable ways†. In order to achieve this mission, the company has established a vision that specifies the way in which it can act both incrementally and opportunistically. This will aim at providing cheapest products at the best affordable prices. The values that have been devised for the company are as follows: From 1980s, industrialized countries of the world had taken up extensive R&D programs in their computing industry to improve efficiency of this sector and in this regard, U.K. was no exception (Impagliazzo, Lundin and Wangler, 2011). Internationalization of research had largely depended on political factors. It had been observed that, in Britain, the public policy was largely based on privatization and liberalization and R&D in the computing industry there was based on competition (Santangelo, 2002). This means that Jingo can carry out its operations without any public intervention and develop in a competitive manner. In U.K., the technology sector is under a competitive tax regime and is supported by a great infrastructure, which will propel the growth of firms in this sector. This, therefore, will be beneficial for Jingo. The government in U.K. has been actively trying to stimulate its technology sector by three main ways: The inflation rate of U.K. had been recorded to be 2% in December 2013, which indicates that the economy is slowly recovering from recession (Trading Economics, 2014a). The GDP per capita of the country has been recorded at 37849.57 US dollars in 2012 (Trading Economics, 2014b). In the past few years, there has been a steady growth in demand of computer and related products in workplaces, with rise in social and educational status of people. The biggest strength for the company will be the supportive attitude of the government and favourable

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Companies with Similar Gross Profit Figures and Different Net Assignment - 4

Companies with Similar Gross Profit Figures and Different Net Operating Income - Assignment Example There are four levels of profit and profit margins- gross profit, operating profit, pre-tax profit, and net profit. The term â€Å"margin† can apply to the absolute number for a given profit level and/or the number as a percentage of net sales/revenue. Profit margin analysis uses the percentage calculation to provide a comprehensive measure of a company’s profitability on a historical basis (3-5 years) and in comparison to peer companies and industry benchmarks. Another online resource tells how to calculate operating margin. According to the Allstarsstock online, Key measurement of the financial strength, by Walden, G â€Å"Operating income / total revenue= operating margin.† Hence, from the above references, we can easily abstract the impact of operating margin on the overall operating income of the company. Therefore, two companies having the same gross profit can also have different operating income. Thinking of personal skill as the products and selling them in the market is just like selling your company’s products in the market or sometimes you can purse for new market opportunities. According to the book by Chaudhry, A. The Craft of selling yourself. 2009, â€Å"Job hunting is similar to selling anything. It’s selling of one’s skills, ideas, time, talent, energies, and expertise. It’s like being available for value addition as any other product does; and in return, you get paid in cash and kind.†Ã‚  Therefore, in order to hunt new market opportunities, we have to enhance our skills as well look for the new opportunities created in the market. All we need to take crucial steps towards our career path planning. It is very vital to achieving a certain level in society, which is considered as or you can say most suitable for us while considering our overall qualifications and skills we are having. In order to achieve the target market in terms of new market opportunities in regards to career planning, we should take a look at the latest happenings and current market situation. Therefore, according to the author of the book, managing your Career. 2010,† each one of us has the ability to control the path that our careers take. It requires that we truly self-aware so that we can identify what our own interests and passions are – what will truly make us happy in our career.†Ã‚   I do agree with the statement mentioned above, other than people like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. According to the colloquium on tax policy and public break issued by New York University School of Law, Tax deductions for charitable contributions: domestic activities, foreign activities, or none of above, 2011, â€Å"Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and a bevy of other billionaires have pledged to give half of their wealth for charitable purposes.† This statement shows that the topmost billionaires in the United States are giving more than half of their overall wealth for charitable purpo ses. Nevertheless, in most cases, the above statement is quite right.