Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How Geometry is used in Construction :: essays research papers

I have conducted my research by dint of interview with someone familiar with construction and development as how geometry is used in these fields. The first step to development is to survey the property in order to document and draw the bounds and land surface shapes. The property will be represented by various geometry elements such as points, lines, arcs, circles, and other defined geometry shapes. Surveyors use scope on tripods witch use projection of line compose point on a stick in order to measure the variations of the heights on the ground. This tool uses various angel theorems and postulates to find location of property boundaries, property corners, utilities and edifice layouts on the property. The surveyor uses the data collected to draw the property layout on a 36x 24sheet of paper.After terminus of this step the architects use the surveying drawing to develop a working drawing for the building. In these drawing you will see triangles, rectangles, squares, arches an d other geometry shapes and forms to create their design. The architects through our history have used these shapes to create famous structures all over the world. If you go back to Roman historical sites you will see such examples analogous the great Coliseum. A great example can be seen is the famous Egyptian pyramid. Some other famous structures are the Eiffel Tower which is in Italy, and Chrysler building in New York. If you look around your neighborhood houses, you will see these shapes. The structural engineers use geometry in their design in order to calculate the spatial arrangement of their columns and beams for proper strength for the building. The construction phase would not be possible without the knowledge of basic geometry. Points, lines, measurements and angles are often used to lay out the building in accordance to the architect drawings.

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